What was Cool at the 2016 Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2016
Last week was the 2016 Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America. That saw attendees (13,600) and exhibitors (835) their largest conference ever!
We were busy demonstrating Drink-IT - a beverage business software solution Drink-IT is based on the world’s strongest business platform, Microsoft Dynamics NAV and KCP Dynamics is their go to partner in North America,
The overall reaction and the fact that Drink-IT supports single-instance implementation, multi-instance implementations and a hub-and-spoke implementation strategy made me think we had the coolest new product at the Expo
I was Wrong- The coolest two things I saw were
A Tie Flask
A Bottle Opener Ring
Returning home my wife did not particularly care for my new tie and and definitely did not like the replace of my wedding ring. I think I will stick with software
Bob Sullivan
I devise creative new approaches to both current & unidentified sales hurdles. I thoroughly enjoy game theory & in questioning the prevailing mode of thought, reworking existing systems & helping increase product sales.
8 年No way you can keep the kids on the farm after they've seen a tie-flask or a bottle-opener ring.