What is the context of Pope Francis' visit to Iraq?
- The country's largest demographic by religion (aside from Muslims) are Christians with adherents of the Chaldean Catholic Church having the biggest presence
- Christianity in some form has been present to the region of what is today Iraq since at least the 2nd century and potentially earlier
- Mesopotamia-Iraq was and is a highly plural society e.g. perhaps up to a 1/3rd of Baghdad's population was Jewish prior to World War One. Pope Francis has a particular interest in ecumenism and inter-religious relations.
- Christians are a minority in number but have held senior positions in local society and government for hundreds of years from the Sassanid era to rule by Saddam (e.g. Tariq Aziz).
- Francis is a Jesuit and the Jesuits have historically had a major presence to Baghdad, running a secondary school and university in the city from the 1930s-1960s. Alumni of which include Ayad Allawi, Ahmad Chalabi and Adel Abdul Mahdi.
- The Christian communities have been severely impacted since the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and Pope Francis wishes to show solidarity with the persecuted churches: approximately 1mn Christians in 2003, now <250k.
- The diplomatic perspective: the Pope is both a religious leader and Head of State (of the Vatican). This is the first "state" visit to Iraq by a Pope in history.
If you would like to learn more, my book is now available in paperback.
#iraq #middleeasthistory #christianmuslim #christianity #islam #chaldean #popefrancis #catholic #jewishhistory
Revd Dr. Andrew Ashdown Fr. Benedict Kiely The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Fiona McCallum Guiney #iraq #middleeasthistory #christianmuslim #christianity #islam #chaldean #popefrancis #catholic #jewishhistory