What is Context API?

What is Context API?

#react #contextapi #webdeveloper

Context API is a feature in React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It provides a way to pass data through the component tree without the need to pass props down manually at every level.?

With Context API, a "context" can be created at the top level of a component tree and any component within that tree can access the data stored in that context without having to pass it down through multiple levels of components. This can make it easier to manage and share state across components.

Context API is commonly used in situations where multiple components need access to the same data or functionality, such as theme or localization settings. By using Context API, developers can avoid "prop drilling," which is passing props down through multiple levels of components, leading to messy and hard-to-manage code.

To use Context API, a context is created using the `createContext()` function, which returns an object with two properties: `Provider` and `Consumer`. The `Provider` component is used to wrap the component tree that needs access to the context data, while the `Consumer` component is used to access that data within any component in that tree.

Overall, Context API is a powerful tool that can simplify state management in complex React applications.


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