What is containerization? 4 Reasons to use it.

What is containerization? 4 Reasons to use it.

What is containerization and how does it work?

Containerization, as the name suggests, packs up all necessary code, files and libraries an application needs to run in any operating system (OS) into containers, in the form of container images.

Developers create container images with containerization tools, and in compliance with standards established by Open Container Initiative (OCI) Images. Container images are read-only, static, and unchangable files with executable code which can run an isolated process. These images also contain system libraries, system tools, dependencies and necessary platform settings for an application to run.

In addition, containers virtualize the OS kernel of the host machines, making them lightweight, fast and portable. Hence, they do not require guest machines or the need to match the application with a computer's OS. Containers also allow developers to create and deploy applications faster and more securely.

Containerization simplifies modern application development and offers many advantages. Let's look at the other benefits they can provide.

Benefits of containerization

1. Agility

Containers greatly speed up development. The application code of containerized applications can be modified separately from the underlying operating system, other applications, or the hardware. This enables flexibility in software development and faster releases of new applications or updates.

2. Portability

Due to the nature of containers, they can be deployed in multiple environments easily, as developers can re-use or edit container images without having to write program code from scratch. They only need to write the code for an application once and then deploy it across various operating systems.

3. Fault tolerance

Containerized microservices run in isolation, so if one container fails to work properly, it does not affect other containers. This enhances an application's resilience and ensures greater availability.

4. Scalability

Containers can share computing resources from the same operating system but do not interfere with each other. Therefore, developers can run multiple containerized applications on the same machine without needing to boot up an operating system or affecting the performance of the applications.

Container technology

To utilize containerization, you will need the help of specific tools for creating, using and managing containers. Here we list the most popular tools.


Docker (also called Docker Engine) is an open source platform where developers can build, deploy, run, update and manage containers. Docker can be used to package software and necessities into containers and quickly deploy and scale them in any environment.

Kubernetes (K8s)

Kubernetes is a tool to manage and orchestrate containerized applications. It enables efficient management of containers at scale, allowing seamless deployment, scaling, and monitoring of applications.

?? Learn more: How Kubernetes simplifies App deployment

Linux Container

Linux, the open-source operating system, comes with built-in container technology. Linux containers are isolated environments enabling multiple Linux-based applications to operate on a single host system. These containers are commonly utilized by software developers for deploying applications that handle substantial data processing.

Unlike virtualized environments, Linux containers do not duplicate the entire operating system; instead, they include essential functionalities within the Linux namespace.

Container use cases

Due to the many benefits containers offer, they are used in a wide variety of situations. Some of the most popular use cases of containers include:

Microservices architecture

In microservice architecture, multiple and isolated software components are used for an application to run. For instance, an e-commerce website might have the following microservices: user management, product catalog, shopping cart, payment and order management.

Developers can pack different microservices into containers and deploy them on different platforms. Each of these microservices can be deployed using its own dedicated container, providing the necessary benefits, isolation and resources for efficient operation.

Cloud migration

Cloud migration involves the transfer of data, services, applications, and/or digital business operations to the cloud environment. Cloud migration, especially the rehosting and refactoring processes, can be greatly simplified with containers. Applications can also be modernized by utilizing containers without needing to extensively rewrite the underlying software code. This allows for a smoother transition to the cloud while maintaining the functionality and integrity of your applications.

?? Further reading: Cloud migration & 3 benefits every business can get from it

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT devices have become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. These internet-embedded devices span a wide range, from small gadgets like smart fire alarms, compact cameras, medical sensors, and smart home devices, to larger machines such as smart refrigerators, intelligent vehicles, and automated dishwashers.

While operating, these IoT devices need to transmit substantial amounts of data. This is where containers play a crucial role, enabling these devices to function efficiently even with limited computing resources.


Containerization also helps facilitate the adoption of DevOps practices within companies. By taking advantage of the speed, flexibility and portability of containers, this streamlines the entire application lifecycle, from development to deployment. Organizations can effectively achieve continuous integration and deployment by leveraging containerization technology.

Hi Cloud container solutions

Partnering with major cloud providers, we offer a wide range of container solutions to help you build apps and services more effectively and flexibly. Contact our cloud experts and learn more about how we can help you.


