What to Consider in Your Next Content Creation Strategy
If you haven’t reviewed your content creation strategy in several months, it’s worth the time to dust it off and see where there may be changes you want to make. Content marketing trends are always changing, so a dated strategy can mean dollars wasted on tactics that are no longer effective.
As you review your content creation strategy, keep these factors and trends in mind:
Indexing Takes Time, So Don’t Give Up on Blogging: At SJC Marketing, we’ve noticed most of our high traffic blogs are three years old. It can take time both for search engines to index your blogs and for users to land on the right blog for their query (this traffic will boost your blog’s authority with search engines over time). While strategic keyword use is a huge help in speeding up the process and decreasing bounce rate, you still have to exercise some patience. Don’t worry; it’s worth it in the end — once you’ve built up a good library of content, the work gets easier and that organic traffic is wonderful for your budget and ROI.
Visual Content Drives Shares: Visual content often gets double the social media shares of our other content, especially when employees are featured at events or clients are featured in testimonials. Why do these shares matter? They directly affect the impressions and reach your posts get. To see more mileage from your content, make visuals a focus of your content creation strategy.
Video Marketing Is Worth the Investment: There’s no doubt video marketing is harder to capture than a few quick visuals, which is why we still advise focusing your content creation strategy on images. But not at the exclusion of video marketing. Video often gets three times the engagement of our regular links on social media, so you can see that the investment is worth it. Even if you only have room in your content budget for one or two video marketing projects, take the opportunity. You’ll reap the rewards in your social marketing ROI.
Putting off your content creation strategy review will only increase the chance that you’re losing valuable marketing dollars on outdated tactics. Sit down today and find places for these marketing trends in your content marketing plan.