What to consider when choosing the right biospecimen provider?

What to consider when choosing the right biospecimen provider?

A?biospecimen provider is?an entity responsible for?sourcing, handling, and?distributing human biological materials such as tissue, blood, and?urine for?biomedical research purposes. These materials are critical for?advancing medical and?scientific understanding and?are typically collected during diagnostic tests or medical procedures.?

A?human biospecimen is?any natural material from the human body, such as tissue, blood, and?urine. Biospecimens are usually obtained during a?diagnostic test or a?medical procedure. Human biological sample are a?valuable resource and?are essential to biomedical research. They must be collected, stored, tracked, and?used according to the highest scientific and?ethical standards. These guidelines provide a?framework for?Medicover Integrated Clinical Services (MICS) for?properly handling human biospecimens, maximizing their use in?research, mitigating possible risks, as well as ensuring subject or patient rights and?safety.?

Importance of?Choosing the Right Biospecimen Provider?

The correct choice of?a?biospecimen provider is?crucial to securing your research project’s success. Bridging the gap to transition from preclinical biomarker assays into clinical settings may be easier when partnering with a?good biospecimen provider. The importance of?strictly establishing post-collection conditions, especially in?cases of?multi-centre studies, cannot be overstated. When choosing a?biological sample. provider, it?is?essential to discuss and?evaluate the capability of?a?potential provider to comply with such requirements and?assess their experience in?shipping biomaterials worldwide, in?regards to both safety and?adequate material preservation.?

Biospecimen Sourcing and?Biomarker Integration at?MICS?

High-quality biospecimen sourcing at?MICS for?assay development and?biomarker point-of-care is?key to success in?clinical settings. For?successful biomarker-driven clinical development, proactive planning to fully integrate clinical design and?execution with a?clear biomarker-informed development plan is?required. Preclinical data are both a?valuable and?essential part of?biomarker discovery, validation, and?proof of?concept, and?a?strong preclinical biomarker approach will contribute to trial success.?

Addressing how to generate the biomarker data needed to progress therapeutic development is?crucial. Additionally, maintaining engagement between discovery and?clinical biomarker and?operations teams is?necessary to ensure that preclinical biomarker assays are effectively translated into clinical assays. Thus, researchers shall benefit from high-quality biospecimens sourced by MICS when bridging results between pre-clinical and?clinical studies.?

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