What Conditions Does Acupuncture Treat?
Xiang Jun Dr Lim
Singaporean-born Doctorate PhD for Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Biomedical Science at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, NTU (SG)
Acupuncture can treat almost any conditions and illnesses and these has been proven with scientific researches.
A Consensus Development Conference held in 1997 by National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine and the National Institutes of Health Office of Medical Applications of Research shed light to the world with a responsible assessment of the use and effectiveness of Acupuncture for a variety of health conditions and addressed other important issues regarding Acupuncture. The conference brought together national and international experts in fields of acupuncture, physical medicine, internal medicine, pain, psychology, psychiatry, drug abuse, family practice, health policy statistics, physiology, biophysics and representatives of public.
After 1 and a half day of presentations and discussions, the consensus made encouraging conclusions on Acupuncture and its various issues. One of which was the list of health conditions that could be treated with Acupuncture as recognized with World Health Organization (WHO).
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