What a concept!
The automotive industry is famous for “the big reveal”.
The concept car.
The “art of the possible”.
I love this.
If you witness these unveilings in person (at a car show, say) then you’ll know that the excitement is tangible.
People genuinely LOVE it; in fact they can’t get enough of it.
Because I’m a Formula One fan too, I always dream of being the one removing the cover from the new Red Bull car to wild applause in front of a pack of hungry journalists.
It made me think about “the big reveal” in our world.
When the agency gets to the best bit of the presentation and shows the ideas that the pitch team have extolled blood, sweat and tears to deliver.
I’ve been in a room where the client has applauded.?It genuinely was a career highlight.
That sense of delight that you have delivered something truly spectacular, standout and different is one you’d love to bottle and get staff, just starting out in the industry, to drink from every day.
You usually know when you’re going to get the "wow" reaction.
Because you’ve put in the graft to make it so. To understand audience, brand, business, market, zeitgeist so that your ideas are rooted in the right place.
It’s even better when what you are putting out there is genuinely a first, a 100% original idea or, to circle back round, a brand new concept.
Ask yourself if your agency is producing these all year round. If the answer is no, I will see you in the pit lane.