What is Computer #programming?
Muhammad Arham
Graduate Aspirant | Software Engineer | React Developer | AI & ML Enthusiast | Hackathon finalist lablab.ai| Trainer @ iCodeGuru | LeetCode | Innovating Through Code
What is Computer #Programming?
Programming is something that computers can understand. It is in the form of 0's and 1's. These are the instructions that are given to computers to perform specific tasks. Computers can understand low-level language that is in the form of binary.
There are two types of programming languages.
1:High-level language
2:Low-level language
1: A High-level language is a language that humans can understand but computers cannot. Examples of high-level languages are #python, #javascripts, #kotlin, and many others.
2: A low-level language is a language that computers can understand but humans cannot. It is in the form of 0's and 1's.?Humans cannot understand language that is in binary form.?
Programming includes #datastructuresandalgorithms(DSA), math, and many complex things. It is a very efficient way to perform multiple tasks that were given to computers. By using programming methods, we can give complex tasks to computers, machines that they can do efficiently.?