What is a Compromise Case?
Amanda Wilson DDS MDS
Orthodontist, CEO StraightSmile Solutions?, Mentor, Coach, Author, Speaker. Parent of 2029 MIT Collegiate Athlete.
Have you ever wondered about a compromise case, how it works, and how you should approach such orthodontic cases during your own treatment planning? As a specialist team of orthodontic consultants here at Straight Smile Solutions, we understand how important it is to ensure you have the most effective strategies in place for your orthodontic cases. With this thought in mind, today, we’re looking at the key things you should know about compromise cases to help you find the ideal strategies, going forward.
First of all, we need to define what a compromise case is. Generally speaking, a compromise case is a form of surgical orthodontic procedure. In the past, due to bones growing in the wrong direction, it was considered in dentist consultation services that the only way to fix these issues was with surgical intervention.
Compromise cases are usually based on both genetic and environmental factors. For example, the dentist can manage environmental factors, but finishing cases perfectly won’t be possible due to genetic issues.
Compromise Cases Should be Fixed Before the Teenage Years
Once the child stops growing and reaches puberty, issues can potentially become much more difficult to fix. With this thought in mind, tackling the issues as soon as possible is highly important.
In many cases, parents may wait until their child is able to make their own decisions legally (after the age of eighteen). However, doing a compromise case on an adult over eighteen is much trickier and may not even be possible – so any damage to the facial structure could be more difficult to resolve.
You must always ensure that you won’t do any further damage to the patient before making any decisions, regardless of age. Getting a professional second opinion is important, especially before straightening or pulling out teeth, so as to protect your license.
Always get full referrals and take professional consulting advice before making decisions on such cases. Keep RBA requirements in mind at all times during such cases.
Always Involve an OMT
Before you can tackle compromise cases, you’ll need to address the cause of the issue. Finishing cases without tackling the cause – such as a habit – can be incredibly difficult. In line with this, you may need to involve an OMT in this process to help. Don’t just take the OMT’s word, either – make sure the OMT has signed off once there are no airway or functional issues to keep your license safe.
Once you have sorted the habit (and know what caused the issue), you’ll next want to focus on the OMT’s recommendations to help resolve the issue. In severe cases, surgical interventions may still be required. However, physical therapy alone may occasionally be enough to help tackle cases seen in easier orthodontic courses.
Final Thoughts
If you have been looking for dentist consultation support for your compromise cases, please don’t hesitate to contact our experts here at Straight Smile LLC. Our orthodontic courses and consulting services can help you find the ideal strategies for your cases – making finishing your orthodontic cases more accessible than ever before.