What Is the Compounding Effect of Blog Commenting?
(Updated 9–16–2022)
I want to flip one upside-down, backwards thought system plaguing bloggers.
Even though the ego believes that time is the enemy time is your ally if you use time effectively.
For example, someone noted recently how white hat SEO has no downsides. He speaks the truth. Literally, white hat SEO only yields upsides.
Yet upside-down thinking bloggers make the common error of labelling “taking a long time to yield success” as a white hat SEO downside. This is impatience not truth. This is greedy not reality. This is desperation not accurate.
Do you plan to be alive during the amount of time it takes to successfully work an SEO campaign? Is your answer “yes”? If so, it is not a long time or waste of time so it cannot be a downside!
Taking a long time is not a downside. Taking a long time is an upside when you patiently work to benefit from the compounding effect.
How Compounding Works
Comment genuinely on one blog today.
Comment genuinely on another blog tomorrow.
Comments you generously publish:
Commenting patiently and persistently creates the illusion of being everywhere in your blogging niche. Bloggers see your genuine comments published on top blogs from your niche. Bloggers also see your comments pop up frequently on individual blogs. Any blogger using a recent comments plug-in prominently featuring frequent commentors shines a strong spotlight on you.
Compounding your presence through blog commenting:
Imagine if I published 50 genuine comments on a blog over a few months. Readers scanning posts see my name pop up all over the place through the recent posts plus the recent comments plug in. Picture seeing a blogger sharing intelligent, genuine thoughts through blog comments, again and again. Most if not all readers will trust the generous commentor as being credible. Readers and bloggers will visit your blog through your comments to increase your passive blog traffic.
Thriving bloggers master the skill of leveraging by using the concept of compounding. Work you do now sets a stronger, bigger blogging foundation NOW for TODAY and TOMORROW. Work you do tomorrow establishes an even stronger foundation. Imagine yourself adding layers of bricks each day to a mansion each time you write and publish a genuine blog comment. Eventually, you build a massive mansion or drop 100 valuable comments on a single blog that drive 10, 20 or 50 people daily from that blog to your blog, passively, while you experience life offline. Of course, you worked generously, patiently and diligently for months then years to drive easy blog traffic down the road but wise entrepreneurs create a vision to work persistently toward sweet, freeing blogging success.
I recorded a video discussing this concept.
Check it out here:
Blog commenting is simple and quite easy if you consider the idea. Read a blog post. Anyone can read a blog post. Set aside 2–4 minutes to share your genuine thoughts through the comment. People share their thoughts all day long through various channels. Genuine blog commenting simply builds friendships, boosts your credibility and compounds your blogging success through a directed ways and means of sharing your ideas.
Imagine being seen 100’s of times on the top 5 blogs from your niche? What will that level of visibility do for your blog traffic and online business? Plus you slammed into no barriers of entry save avoiding spam folders. No blogger needs to pitch bloggers to place comments, as you would when trying to pitch guest posts. Beginner bloggers to even aspiring bloggers yet to write and publish their first post can seamlessly read posts, publish genuine blog comments and be seen.
All depends on your willingness to write authentic blog comments as a means of sharing value. Comments are content. Helpful blog comments add valuable content to blog posts. Bloggers deeply appreciate receiving comments because commentors add valuable content to posts. Valued blog posts form the foundation of a prospering blogging campaign.
In essence, blog comments are user generated content. Sites like Amazon became empires based heavily on user generated content in the forms of in-depth reviews. Genuine, detailed blog comments help to position bloggers to thrive online.
Be seen all over your blogging niche by making a genuine impact with blog commenting. Write and publish 5–10 sentences or more via 1–2 or more paragraphs to leverage your presence through this vastly underutilized medium.
Do you need help with learning how to comment the right way?
Check out this eBook:
Originally published at https://www.bloggingfromparadise.com on September 16, 2022.