What is Community to You?
Dr. Tara Murney
Intuition Coach for Leaders | Empowering Business Decisions with Inner Wisdom | Transforming Entrepreneurs for Lasting Success and Fulfillment
My Morning Walks
I was asked the other day what community is and its a great thought provoking question, right? One that is guaranteed to have a million definitions based on each individuals window of perspective and life experiences that can create a narrative of what community truly means for you.
I live across the street from a small forest, its a magical and enchanting little place where I can disconnect and reset myself . Its a place where I find moments to pause, unload my thoughts and come up with new ideas. Its like a mini vacation only a few steps from my front door. The other morning, the charming singing of a robin perched atop the branch of an an old tree recently commanded my presence on my early morning walk, to be honest most mornings it does but this time was different. A man and his three young children who were walking their twin German Sheppard's joined me as I stood there and listened to beautiful bird call out to others in nearby trees, a community all of its own. For a brief moment we stood together in silence and awe, a collective appreciation as we quietly celebrated the incredible beauty and magic of nature which many of us overlook in the chaos of life. The sheer gift of the birds music immediately brought me to a place of presence and it got me thinking about the Sufi philosophy.
As I walk in the early light each morning, gifted by natures sounds of life and community, just having this very brief silent encounter with another human, I wondered what life was like for ancient villagers who lived amongst such serenity, no loud hustle and bustle of life and had cultivated a deep and secure sense of purpose, belonging and shared values with others in the community whether it be for healing, prayer, or even friendship. I believe we can discover our true identities and talents in these. Would that be a definition of community?
There is a primary goal of life, according to the Sufi philosophy, it is to become aware of our true selves. When we do, we are urged to gently accept this insight. The benefit of community is that it provides each of us with the encouragement and support needed to accomplish this, even on the days when we don't feel anything or we feel overwhelmed by life and all the should's or have to's. I think its a beautiful philosophy.
Nurturing Human Connection
So, why is community important?
Loneliness and alienation we dread are prevented by community, and its also about meeting new people and finding a place to call "home". However, we are also forced to create community because we bring distinctions to a society that erases them, in addition to the fact that we are survivors of the current world order. Dealing with diversity forces us to address the issue of our society's social and economic pillars. We create community in order to provide some order to the disorganized world.
Our life depends on community, which to me is defined as "nurturing human connection". Humans deteriorate when isolated from society, unfortunately the recent pandemic proved this to be accurate in spades. Community is critical to our wellbeing; we are biologically wired for such connections. Scientific research has revealed a link between social isolation—along with negative emotions such as loneliness that often accompany it—and poor health. During the pandemic, further studies were conducted that concluded that isolation and loneliness are linked in with incidence of different types of disease and with premature mortality. There was also a myriad of connections to poor physical health, including obesity and cardiovascular problems, and a range of possible effects on the human brain have now been documented. Social isolation is associated with increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia, as well as mental health consequences such as depression and anxiety.
I was reading an article lately that had mentioned that we have come to recognize that the majority of individuals depend on a community for everyday needs. In most cases, one must rely on a complex "web of mutuality," to use Martin Luther King, Jr.'s expression, to obtain the needs of life. While most people need to be a part of a community to meet their basic needs, most people also want to be a part of a community because there is something indescribably beautiful about being among other people who share something deeper than just a "shared location" — something they are deeply passionate about, something that helps people look less lonely when shared.
Leaving Your Community
A neighborhood is a safe environment or so we have been raised to believe.
I grew up with those blue "neighborhood watch" signs posted everywhere, who remembers those? Every neighbor had them on the lawn or on their front doors and windows of their homes. While that is wonderful and the thought of my community being "safe" settles me, I also believe that communities can have a potentially dangerous or risky quality about them.
A place where people feel safe, trusted, seen and secure, can be so captivating that they may possibly lose sight of the "outside world" or shelter hidden bias towards other societies. I am a resident of a community that is deemed "safe", and I am well travelled enough to state that I need to spend some time away from my neighborhood while still working to give back to my community often because the importance of visiting other locations is a great reminder to myself that my way of life is not the only or ideal one. The more you travel outside of your haven, your safe community, the more you recognize the diverse needs of other communities.
20 Benefits of Community
I deeply see communities playing a pivotal role in human life, and I have seen the significance of its contribution to individuals mental and physical well-being. Communities can be a safe haven from loneliness, and they foster an environment of forgiveness and empathy, which is ultimately, in my own opinion, a harmonious place of coexistence ----- how beautiful is that?
Here are some benefits to having community --- please do add others that you have experienced in the comment section below for our readers!
The Role of Community in Providing Social Support
Communities provide a platform for mutual encouragement and shared experiences, fostering empathy and understanding. This, in turn, facilitates healing and openness. Moreover, supporting community members enhances self-esteem and confidence, making it crucial in today's high-pressure world where mental and physical health issues are prevalent.
Encouraging Sharing and Acceptance within a Community
Communities foster a culture of open-mindedness and acceptance, celebrating diversity rather than stigmatizing differences. They provide a space for sharing experiences and learning from others, fostering a sense of unity and understanding.
Resilience in Times of Crisis:
When disaster strikes, whether it's a natural calamity or a personal tragedy, communities often rally to provide immediate assistance. This support can range from financial aid to emotional comfort, demonstrating the power of unity in overcoming adversity. Moreover, communities can play a pivotal role in disaster preparedness and recovery.
Education and Learning Opportunities:
Communities provide a platform for continuous learning and skill development. From local workshops to online forums, the exchange of knowledge and experiences can foster personal and professional growth. Additionally, communities can facilitate mentorship opportunities, bridging the gap between generations and promoting lifelong learning.
Cultivating Trust in Society through Community
Trust is a fundamental pillar of any society. However, inherent suspicion often makes this challenging. Communities can bridge this gap by fostering relationships beyond immediate social circles, enhancing credibility and connection among individuals.
Promoting Altruism and Volunteerism in Communities
Community involvement encourages selfless acts of giving and volunteering, creating a positive impact without expectation of reciprocation. Active participation in community activities fosters connections with others, embodying the spirit of collective contribution to societal betterment.
?Alleviating Anxiety and Depression through Community
Being part of a community can alleviate feelings of loneliness and stress, providing a sense of purpose and identity. Such social support networks can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, helping individuals navigate through challenging times.
Security and Peace of Mind within a Community
Communities provide a sense of security, both in terms of opportunities for success and physical safety. Compliance with community rules and norms ensures a harmonious and secure environment, offering a refuge from the chaos of the outside world.
Communities Facilitating Spiritual Growth
Communities offer an open space for spiritual exploration and discussion. This spiritual connection allows us to experience life on a deeper level, offering hope and a fresh perspective during challenging times.
Communities as Hotbeds for Innovation
Communities provide a rich environment for idea exchange and inspiration. They are often the birthplace of inventions, creative innovations, and discoveries, serving as an incubator for progressive thought processes.
Uplifting Quality of Life through Community
Being part of a community presents an opportunity to contribute to society, enhance social skills, and find a sense of purpose. By enriching the lives of ourselves and others, communities create a ripple effect of improvement for future generations.
Fostering a Sense of Belonging through Community
Humans inherently yearn to fit in, an instinct which gravitates us towards like-minded individuals. Communities provide us with this sense of belonging, a shared commonality that anchors us in trust and acceptance, fostering a network of mutual support and understanding.
Community Participation as a Means to Boost Self-Esteem
Community involvement can enhance self-confidence and promote goal attainment. When your efforts are recognized and appreciated, your confidence naturally soars. Working for the betterment of your community can help alleviate fears and hesitations, boosting self-esteem.
The Community as a Catalyst for Business Opportunities
Communities provide businesses with a platform for customer interaction, facilitating feedback collection and idea generation. Particularly in online communities, customers can share their experiences, offering invaluable insights to businesses for product improvement.
Facilitating Social Connection through Community
Social connections are vital to human well-being. Communities offer these connections, fostering friendships, creating job opportunities, and promoting societal contributions. This sense of social belonging can have a profound effect on one's daily emotions and longevity.
Community Ties and Longevity
Studies suggest that a strong sense of community can potentially extend one's lifespan by mitigating the risk of chronic diseases. Individuals with strong community bonds are less likely to succumb prematurely to health issues like heart disease, cancer, among others.
Enhancing Professional Development through Community
Communities offer professionals an avenue for feedback, allowing them to witness the impact of their work on people's lives. This can lead to diversified roles and experiences, sparking new ideas that can be given back to society.
?Preservation of Culture and Tradition
Communities serve as custodians of local culture and traditions. They can help preserve and pass down stories, rituals, crafts, and other cultural aspects to future generations. This shared sense of history and heritage strengthens the community's identity and fosters a sense of pride among its members.
Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles:
Communities often promote healthy habits, such as exercise and proper nutrition. Local initiatives like farmer's markets, group fitness classes, or community gardens can encourage individuals to lead healthier lifestyles. Shared knowledge and resources can create an environment conducive to overall well-being.
?Environmental Stewardship:
Communities often engage in efforts to protect and enhance their local environment. Whether its a neighborhood cleanup, a tree-planting initiative, or advocacy for sustainable practices, community-led actions have a significant impact on environmental conservation. This shared responsibility for the environment also helps to instill a sense of stewardship in younger generations.
The Indispensable Value of Community
As inherently social beings, humans thrive on connections. Communities are not just a necessity; they are the fabric that binds us and makes us resilient. They open doors to new ideas and opportunities, fostering personal and professional growth.
?In an ever-evolving world, the security and support provided by communities are more vital than ever. They equip us to withstand negativity and contribute positively to those around us. Hence, the importance of community cannot be overstated—it enhances the quality of life for all its members, forming the backbone of a thriving society; do you agree? Let me know in the comments below :)