WHAT COMMON SENSE SAYS about Global Warming and Increasing Climate Catastrophes?

WHAT COMMON SENSE SAYS about Global Warming and Increasing Climate Catastrophes

Lack of #Commonsesne in a scientifically and spiritually empowered world is becoming a great threat to Earth and #Humanity. Two threats stand out to the world

  1. The scientific community that has rendered us slaves of Gadgets. We thus are failing to perceive the threat from the physical world and its forces
  2. The religious/spiritual community, that has rendered us into slaves of religions and shut our eyes to Truth

The latter is the root of all corruption. Let me not go into the latter. But shed some light on the former which is leading to #great_catastrophes from all the force of Nature, which is called natural, but truly is not.

Common sense says the Climate is driven by two forces/Cycle; Heating and Cooling. Two opposing forces Fire/Air and Water/Earth forces act here. The heating and cooling forces act in Space-Time.?The space-time given to them is fixed. Thus we have a 12-hour day and a 12-hour night cycle that give way to one another slowly. Similarly, we have a climatic cycle where heat peaks and gives way to the opposite.

As the dry summer heat peaks the evaporation of water peaks. This then gives way to clouds that eventually condense and manifest into rain and cool. When clouds manifest earth experiences a warming effect. Most plants and animals do sense this change. Except humans who want gadgets tell them.

There is a #design to Earth. When one part of Earth peaks in sunlight and gives way to darkness, another part on the opposite side peaks in Darkness and gives way to light. Two cycles that are Quantum Entangled and communicated work to sustain a Certain Balance of Energy and Matter on Earth. This Quantum entanglement is best depicted in Chinese philosophy.??The earth seemed to be designed to sustain the temperature of Earth within some limit. It works like a #Double_Pump or Heart.

A critical observation one makes in nature is that all living system opposes Gravity and Time directed to collapse.?A seed sprouting and grass growing speaks it. The second law of Thermodynamics applied to the Living and Material Systems shows this. This means #Earth and its #Biosphere play an important role in the Universe. It appears like the center of the universe. Not a geometrical center but an off-centered center like a heart to a living system. Living systems resist Gravitational Collapse. In short Earth and the living, system speak against the Big Bang Theory from a Point. ??

Very clearly Earth with all microorganisms, plants, insects, and animals is designed to sustain a certain Balance of ENERGY TO MATTER RATIO.?This means Earth and its biosphere work to sustain the temperature of Earth within some limit. It is also designed to sustain certain O2 to CO2 RATIO. Green Plants and Phytoplanktons play a vital role in sustaining the balance.??

Note – This scenario Changes when we include ADULT HUMANS who live Mind Centered Lives and exist as slaves to the material world and its Force.

There is a vertical spin axis to the earth, on which Earth experiences slow compression and expansion There is also a horizontal axis that opposes but yields to the compression and expansion. Vertical is the energy axis and Horizontal is the Matter axis.

Earth on closer observation works Like a #Double_Pump or Heart. It has an associated wave called #Schumann_resonance. This wave now is peaking on the Vertical axis and is compressing on the Horizontal axis see Fig

The Heartbeat of Earth

It appears we have peaked to the maximum. This aspect is written elaborately in other articles.

Climate scientists are aware, that water largely evaporates from the equatorial belt upwards and an ocean current called GULF STREAM plays a vital role in distributing the heat. They play a vital role in Climate patterns and the Polar Vortex. Scientific studies show that #Gulf_stream is now considerably slowing down. This can explain sudden heating and Cooling in some places.

An IMPORTANT POINT everyone needs to Observe and Take Note of is that Earth has a Polar Axis. It winds in one direction at the North Pole and another at the South Pole. This means it Winds and Unwinds, producing a Pulse much like a HEART. When it winds it expands in the horizontal axis and vice versa. The current in the ocean and in the air that plays a vital role in climate is related to it.

Since the Industrial Era, we have been exponentially Increasing the heat of the environment, we have Intruded into the Night Cycle when Earth Cools. In addition, we have cut forests to create concrete jungles. Plants and Trees we know absorb light and heat and create biological mass which is the support of the ecology. It also plays a vital role in sustaining the O2 to CO2 RATIO

In short, we are upsetting the TWO VITAL RATIOS critical for the existence of the Biosphere. We are digging our graves. The #TIPPIN_POINT has reached. Scientists have observed the Earth Spinning Faster and the GULF STREAM that distributes the heat in the equatorial belt slowing down considerably. This is reflected in the POLAR VORTEX which is showing Deep Fluctuations. This also explains the alarming increase in heat and fire accidents flash floods and snow. The Rapid Twisting and Untwisting can precipitate Mother Quakes and Volcanic Eruptions. History speaks of Volcanic Ash bringing a #Sudden Cooling.

The Father of the Gaia Hypothesis Noble Laureate James Lovelock spoke of 5/6th of life getting destroyed by 2100 because of increasing heat. Prof Stephen Hawking a famous physicist also called to desert Earth and Populate other planets by 2100. I don’t see that many gaps for humanity.

We have entered a Critical Period in the time cycle. Our survival calls for awakening to our #common_sense and becoming Conscious and Intelligent to defeat the, threatening Earth and its existence - The Rest is Details.

We need a foundational #Shift_in_Thinking from material to Life. We need to develop #new_technologies.

Related Articles

1] What is happening to Earth’s Climate – Time to Think?


2] The Root Cause of Increasing Climate, Natural Catastrophes – The Future


3]TWO GREAT THREATS TO THE WORLD – WHICH THE SPIRIT OF GOD SHOWED -How God and Humans are Related to Global Warming and Climate Change



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