“What Common Sense Says about ‘mass’ in Physics”

WHAT COMMON SENSE SAYS - 5 “What Common Sense Says about ‘mass’ in Physics”

Knowledge Obtained by Grace – Kept Open for All

Physics is the Primal Field on which the modern scientific world is built. Our thoughts, our #Knowledge our #worldview , and our #society are built on the science of the west. West visualizes the #universe as purely physical.

One must note and underline that before science religious realm ruled us. Most religious scriptures, especially of the East, speaks of Universe as a #Conscious and #intelligent being.??

The term #mass is a pivot word on which Newton built his Purely Physical and #Mechanical_Worldview . #Life and #God had no space in his worldview.

The “mass” is assumed to give the gravitational property or Force to objects. #Gravity_Theory has a CENTER POINT. Developments in physics have led to the invention of #God_Particle that gives mass and thus energy to everything and sustains everything. However, they have failed to tell us how. ??In short, physics has come one circle forcing us to reinvent #GOD who Creates and sustains.

Let me come back to #mass . For all purposes, mass is understood as weight, but it is not weight, because the mass of an object changes with space-time position. Newton failed to tell us what gives mass to an object. Recall his phrase #“I_frame_no_hypothesis”.?The mass of an object is visualized to be at the center of the object or distributed in the central axis.

Following developments in electricity, the discovery of electromagnetic force, and the development in Energy, the attention of physicists shifted to Charge Concept. Physicists however have failed to #Unite_Gravity_and_Charge conceptually or mathematically. It remains the #BIGGEST_FAILURE_OF_PHYSCIST .

Not able to comprehend the simple #Truth how atoms and the universe is sustained in #Time , today intellectual circles speak of #End_of_Physics and #Death_of_Physics and so on.?#Max_Planck , #Einstein , #Kurt_Godel did perceive the #incompleteness and limitations of purely physical and mathematical thinking to describe nature and lead us to the #TRUTH . Thus, they brought Life, Mind, and #God_Mind back to science. Einstein, the #Jew called us to #look_deep_into_ Mother_Nature to evolve our understanding of Nature. ?

Two Great Philosophies of the 20th century?

Philosophies underline all science and religions.?#Consciousness and a center_point or #God as #Creator and #Sustiner ?is the #prime_philosophy of all #religions .?Einstein did incorporate it into his work but restrained using the world of spiritual scriptures.

All objects on Earth are bound to Earth by Gravity Force and move with it. Everything in Nature has its own identity. ?Two great #philosophies on which modern science stands are #Unique_Energy_identity of particles, atoms, and systems in nature given by #Max_Planck and Unique_Space_Time_Idenitity to an Observer given by #Einstein . A modern man is driven by a material-exploiting #mindset . He often fails to look deep into the mind and its philosophical base of #great_scientists , who thought revolutionized and developed paths #evolve towards the #Truth .?We are in critical point in the #Hisory_of_Time . It calls us to #review_science , #technologies we use, and #evolve to #survive_on_earth .?

Any action and attempt to move an object on Earth HORIZONTALLY call for the application of external force or energy. Common sense says the Weight of the Object is directed to the center of the Earth. Earth attracts the Object and the Object attracts the Earth by its #mass . In short, the object has a space-time and energy position and bondage in relation to Earth. This attractive bond has to break for the motion of the object to occur. The object resists the external force changing its energy and positional status.

Newton thus introduced the second mass “Inertial Mass”.?Newtonian World had two masses: Gravitational and Inertial mass, since it did not interfere with the math it was assumed the same. Later Einstein with his #Equivalance_Principle created a mindset that they are the same. ?This is the #Greatest_Mistake of physics. This is the product #obsession with #Geometry and the quest to #balance_the_equations .

Physicists spend their life behind closed doors behind #blackboards writing equations that equalizes. #Common_sense says #equilibrium is Death.?The flow and motion are the foundation of Nature and the Cosmos. It cannot exist unless there is #non -equilibrium. This means there should be a #Force that creates a #imbalance and set the system in motion only to act before it stops. There should be a mover to #Pendulum . There should be a #CREATOR_OF_ CLOCK and He should #Key_the_Clock from time to time and then allow it to Tick.

Another simple argument is E=m. The #energy we all know exists as #RATIO of Kinetic and potential energy. If Kinetic_Energy increases the Potential Energy Decreases and vice-versa, There should be a #perceiver , a #observer , who perceives when the #balance of Kinetic and potential energy is disturbed to the critical state.

Mass, therefore, should be related to kinetic and potential energy and its changes. #Common_Sense says Nature should react when it is pushed unilaterally upsetting its kinetic and Potential energy balance in favor of potential or Kinetic. In short, #excessive_action and #total_inaction are both detrimental to the system. it brings #death to the system. ???

?A Point to Note – We are in a #Kinetic_State . Astrophysicists observing outer space tell us that we are in a?#accelerated_expansion phase. On Earth, we have a heating or kinetic phase growing exponentially, threatening Earth and the Whole #Biosphere . ??

Earth is designed with two phases such that it sustains the Kinetic and Potential energy of the system in some #balance . The #Day_and_Night and #Climatci_Cycle speak for it. Earth is a pulsating system and works like the heart of a living system. ?Since the industrial era, we have been empowering the #kinetic_phase . We have intruded into the night phase, we have been losing forest, which traps light and heat and sustains the O2 to CO2 Ratio and its balance, which is vital for #Biosphere . A decrease in potential energy means #instability of the physical world. The Great_Tribulation on Earth, with #increasing_climate_catastrophes , so-called #Increased_Natural_disasters could be traced to it. We are #doomed_for_great_destruction if we fail to #awaken .????

The force can be applied to an object slowly or suddenly. In Newtonian Times, the world was not aware of #Non_Linear_Science . The observed action and motion result when the external force reaches a critical point and the resistance breaks down. The Object now moves with an associated #Reaction_Force .?

Important Note – When force is applied slowly to a system, the system can show #creativity in and around the #Critical_Point and survive against the external force. This is the most evident aspect one sees in the Living System.??

When the Critical Point is reached, one can perceive a #Quantum_Jump to New Energy State on the horizontal axis. Note that when we are speaking of an object moving horizontally we are visualizing the object moving on the curved surface of the Earth. ?See Fig. ?Thus, Einstein’s vision was right.

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Gravity Field

This state of #induced_circular_motion we see needs to be sustained by a constant external force, the object returns to the Original state, when the external force is removed. A car we drive is an example.

From Energy and conservation point, the “Force Provider” gives Kinetic Energy to the Object and receives the Potential Energy. ?When force is stopped, the object gives out the Kinetic Energy to come back to its original state. The “Applier of Force” who transmitted Kinetic energy to the object now becomes the receiver of Kinetic energy.

When we lift an object in the Gravity field, we give Potential Energy and Receive Kinetic Energy. This means the mass or energy of the object remains the same. The difference is that after the Initial break up with the gravity field, the further Journey up into the sky needs less energy. The object now can be put into an orbit where it is stable and Circles Earth. If you push it further, it goes beyond the Gravity field of Earth. Since everything comes from Center Point, the object lost has to return to the Center Point.


The #Great_fallicy_of_physcists is that Physicists have not fixed the #Great_Center_Point and have failed to know what happens in the center point. Solving the #BIG_BANG thus becomes critical to Physicists. This in turn means we have to #Unite_Charge_and_Gravity Concept.?We need to unearth how #God_Particle_Dances gives energy and mass to everything around it and sustain it eternally #IN_TIME . ?It means discovering a #Second_Field_and_Force that is #Conscious and #Intelligent and works against gravity recessively coming to light when the system is pushed to critical limits.

It is impossible that all the physical world we see collapses to an undefinable Small Center Point and originates from it. However, we can think of the #Spiritual_Backbone winding and Shrinking to a Point and Unwinding from within and initializing the system into #New_Time_Cycle.

When modern physicists think of explaining #BigBang from an information point they are on the right path. However, they have to explain sensibly the origin of #consciousness , #intelligence , and #creativity . They have to explain #Dance_of_the_Quantum_Particle . The only way out is to look at it from the biological point. No wonder #Max Planck and #Einstein brought #conscious_mind and #God_Mind to center stage before they left this world.

#Force we see here as #energy_transmission .?#E =m means we are transferring mass. An object on earth, say a car is at rest, which means the force acting on it, towards the Right, Left Up, and Down are balanced and are in relative motion with the earth. See Fig.

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The fig speaks of a #“matter” that has a largely neutralized charge. I write “largely neutralized” because complete neutralization means the matter is dead and is incapable of receiving and giving energy. This is discussed in the previous write-up on #Gravity in this series. Matter formation from Charged particles means a huge amount of Charge exists as #neutral_mass . The matter can wind and unwind from it to sustain the balance. ??

Important Point - The matter we deal with in ordinary life are charges that are wound and compressed. Its forces are directed to the center of matter or objects. Recall the #Mass_Points of Newton’s #worldview . The gravity force acts through the spin axis of the matter. All matter in nature has a periodic compression and expansion or winding and unwinding existence. This is #common_sense .?All matter and objects have to respond to heat-induced winding and unwinding. This means nature works on winding and unwinding force.

#Neutral_mass gives stability to the matter and system. When the matter is disturbed, it unwinds from the Neutral Mass that gives the system stability. The unwinding exposes both positive and negative charges. This causes the matter to Pulsate faster and faster, thus moving faster and faster. The mass of the system does not change, but its #energy_state changes. The earth is now in a #High_Energy_State , thus we are experiencing violent peaks and falls, which are bringing huge destruction by the #four_natural_forces - #Fire , #Wind , #Water , and?#Earth. ?

To cause a motion at the horizontal level on earth, the external force has to break Gravity Force binding the object to Earth. ?A car is set in motion, with an initial thrust in any direction simply means that the force binding it with Earth is broken. Acceleration is caused by shifting to higher levels of energy.

A car is driven by a fuel source that burns causing expansion. The #energy from the burning fuel source is #TRANSFORMED into a mechanical force [#FIRST_LAW_OF_ENERGY ]. It is important to know that every transfer of force or Energy is associated with a loss of Energy as #Heat . This gives rise to #second_law_of_energy or #Thermodynamics . ???

What the modern world needs to be concerned about is the #SECOND_LAW_OF_ENERGY that states that some energy is lost as heat in the process of Transformation.?It is from this point I visualized the Present #Climate_Catastrophes and #Tribulation , decades back, which in turn led me to seek the #Foundational_Truth_of_Nature and Life frantically.???

Important Point - It is important to note that nature is #inherently_ designed to #balance . When a car is moving in one part of Earth from right to left, some other car is moving from left to right. When something is moving down to up, some other thing is moving up to down. We must also note that when one part of Earth awakens to sunlight and goes into the #kinetic_phase , the other part of Earth sleeps to Darkness and goes into a potential_phase. The day and night and climatic cycles speak for it.

The biggest failure of the modern west is that it failed to #stop_to_think , how its action and activity are affecting the #Energy_Cycle_of_Earth , in which we all exist. Since the #industrial_era , we have been exponentially increasing the heat of the environment, intruding into the night cycle, and cutting the forest, which traps, lights and heat and cools the environment.?This means we are exponentially in expanding phase. The Earth's system is increasingly pulsating faster and faster on the spin axis. Scientists have recorded Earth spinning faster and #Gulf_Stream that distributes heat slowing down. This explains the increasing climatic catastrophes and threat to the #Biosphere .

The Need of the Hour - Humanity needs to awaken the simple #principle , #design and functioning Earth to sustain the #balance . We need to change our #mindset about Earth and Nature and act to sustain and protect her. We need a #change_in_mindset from material to living to #Survive_on_Earth . We need to act to reduce the heat being released into the #environment . We need to #awaken to our consciousness and give Earth a #Breathing_Space . We need to quickly develop #new_technologies ?based on life to step into?#FUTURE ?

There are #two_paths to rise or fall in Gravity Field, one is the #Hard_Path, and the other is #Easy_Path . In the hard path, we are attached to Earth and go in steady circles slowly rising in a circular path. This is a #long_path . The #short_path is moving up straight up in the gravity field.

I am tempted here to call attention to some parallels with #Spiritual_philosophies

#Spiritual_philosophies says that to rise in the Spiritual Field, one has to delink from material bondage and go inward to the once Inner Point and then grow in #Spiritual_Axis . In the East, the Sages recommend people to transcend the Mind-Body to #EXPERIENCE the #God_Field [Conscious and Intelligent] and grow in it. ?They developed many techniques and cultures that can help humanity to be directed to #heaven than to #hell .

Indian Spiritual scriptures say we are all Individualted consciousness and intelligent Universes born from One Great Conscious and intelligent Universe. The Bible says we are Created in the image of God the Creator.

This means we have a space-time position and path in relation to the #Great_Center_Point . In short, we all have come from the Same Roots. The Creator or God lives through us.

A spiritual axis exists for the universe with two pole points, one above and one below. One is the point to which the material world and its forces point [ Balck Hole, Hell]. The other to which Life Points [White Hole, Heaven]. All spiritual scriptures call us to align with Life Force. It resists us from becoming a slave to the material world and its force.?

Staying on a path directed to Life calls for some effort. One has to be in a state of #conscious_dance with the Great Center. In other words in #Resonance to the Great Center. Falling in the Gravity Field is Easy, but rising in Gravity Field calls for a #call , #Grace , #conscious #detachment from earthly forces.

By #Design Humanity has a weakness towards material aspects and flesh. Thus #RESISTANCE and #Laws become a necessity in a collective society on Earth. Human weakness for material and flesh aspect best exploited in the modern world by the rulers' of Earth. Thus we have a civilization that has lost #common_sense and exists as a slave to evil minds operating from all realms. ?

Anything that takes Birth has to die to reform again. A time direction to the universe is inevitable. The eternal existence then calls for a #DIVINE_ INTERVENTION to conquer time and initialize the system into New Time Cycle.????

The detachment from earth amounts to giving up the flesh body. It is #Death . Death is what Life Fights every second. The path that the #East adopted to know #God and #Truth_of_Nature , Life, thus I find superior and apt for being in Health, but not for #Conquering_Time_and_Death . What Spiritual scriptures speak is a way to uplift the #Soul and #mind and keep it focused on Light and Life, such that the vortex of death is resisted.

When #Universal_Time_Cycle ?is in a down phase or #Dark_Phase , no Human Mind can rise to know #Truth and Life. This means the #CREATOR has to intervene to #Change_the_Direction_of_Time . ?The journey from #Darkness_to_Light from #Death _to _Life now has to happen from the #Grace_of_the_Creator.

No one can fight the #GREAT_EVIL or #FALLEN_ANGEL except the Creator Himself. It is in this context that #BIBLE and #JESUS and #CALVARY_SACRIFICE take importance. It doesn't downgrade any scriptures or religions but sheds light on them.

#Faith is Crucial for both science and religion. #Max Planck said, #Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have faith.”

All Knowledge has its source in the #Creator . ?I believe Science is from God. I keep Faith in God and science. Science is a stepping stone to #higher_knowledge and #awakening of the world.?The fact the world has exploited the knowledge given by Science more negatively than positively speaks of Evil Operating in the Religious and Political realm. ?They have made #Earth the #GREAT_TEMPLE and our #only_ abode into the #marketplace and Humans into #Zombies incapable of thinking.

In a largely democratic world, led by the west, we are all responsible in small and big ways for the #Present_State_of_Earth and #Tribulation. The religious west led largely by #Jews and #Christianity has to take responsibility for the deteriorated world. #Jewish_priests killed the God manifested on Earth. Satan then entered Christianity. Common sense says that there is nothing of Jesus in #Religion called #Christianity .??

The spiritual scriptures call us to be aligned with Spirit Field. Being in the Spiritual Field, the #Creator_Spirit calls us to align with Light and Life. It calls us to be positively aligned. In other words, #look_up_to_heaven . Being in a flesh body, the seeker is called to be conscious and in #communion and surrender to the God Field within and outside binding everything into one and sustaining it eternally in #TIME . This #communion is what we lack. Faith here becomes Critical.

This means one should be conscious and aware of the Spirits working in the Spiritual Realm. The Spirit Realm has both Light and Dark Spirits. To have the right alignment, one should be connected and be rooted in the #Heart and hear from the #Soul . In #Bhagavad_Gita Lord Krishna says to Arjun #“Listen to your Heart and Take Decisions – Don’t be confused by others' Advice --- Your heart’s voice is my voice

The same is echoed in Bible, with some difference that relates to #time . In Bible, God calls us to take #New_Life in the #Spirit_of_JESUS , and choose to stay with Christ the Redeemer on the #battlefield_of_Truth_and_Justice .???

There is a #Purpose to #Great_Sacrifice . The Purpose is to #Defeat_Darknesss ?and #Bring_Kingdom_of_God_to_Earth .?It is to restore the #MEMORY of our relationship with HIM. It is to give #Knowledge_and_Wisdom such that we take #DOMINION of His Kingdom Again. ???

Physicists are at loss to develop a sensible worldview that eventually helps humanity to thrive on Earth. They have failed to #Unite_Gravity_Concept_with_Charge_Concept. For quite some time now, they have been working on the #UNIFICATION_THEORY but have failed to come up with it. Some are even thinking of dropping the Gravity Concept entirely and building a #New_Worldview on Information Theory. Some are now saying Gravity is an #emergent_property , but fail to tell us this in simplicity.?

#Gravity_is_an_Emergent_Property . The Charge Field is Primary. Einstein’s E=m [CxC], tells us that mass or matter is born from Light particles colliding [The First Article in the reference list explains it].

If the two-particle colliding are of the same strength, the atoms cannot exist. If the Atoms cannot exist the #Universe_Cannot_Exist .?In short Universe, at all levels, from particles, and atoms to the whole Cosmos should be having #BASIC_NON_EQUILIBRIUM_DESIGN and it should be driven by some #BASIC_PRINCIPLE . The mass now becomes related to #Non -Equilibrium [See Ref:1 and 2].

Max Planck said #Mind_is_the_Matrix_of_Matter . When an individual and our collective mind are material centered, we get trapped in #blackhole and have little hope to emerge from #Dakness_to_light , from #Death_to_life , from #disorder_to_order . #Satan operating from high places is holding us in a tight #vortex_of_materialism , making Earth, the #Temple_of_God into a #marketplace and Humans into #Zombies

The Knowledge that Modern Science acquired is incomplete and is becoming detrimental to Earth and life on it. They have only ended up giving power to the same old evil minds ruling us from the religious and political realm. In reality today there is no religious and Kingly/Political realm ruling us. The money handlers and Business people rule us. They look to Earth and Life as objects to be exploited. They have made Earth the #Temple_of_God into a #marketplace . Thus, we see Earth and its #Biosphere Collapsing and the #Civilization_Under_Threat .

One cannot fix the responsibility for the present state of Earth on businesspersons and money handlers. The Responsibility has to be taken over by the religious/spiritual people heading the world. The scenario is calling us to review and #evolve both Science and Religion. One should recall here what Einstein Said: #“Science is lame without religion and Religion is blind without Science”. Being New Born in Spirit, I put my weight on Science than the #Blind_Hypocritical_Religiou_People , so I have dropped the tag associated with my Birth.

The Need of the Hour

To survive on Earth we need to develop #New_Thinking . We need to regain our #Common_Sense . We need to become #conscious and intelligent than becoming #Zombies .?We need to #Awaken_to _Life.

Earth and Her Master Spirit are calling us to Shift our Thinking from material to Life. We need a generation that is awakened, connected to Consciousness, and walking the Path of Truth and Justice without compulsion.

A #POINT_TO_THINK - the External Force Invariably comes from a Living System. He also is the recipient of the Reaction. It is apparent that without Galileo the ball would not have gone to the top of the slanted table for him to roll the ball and prove his point. The apple would not have gone up in the tree to fall on Newton’s head. Very clearly, Life especially the Humans Mind plays an important role in Motion. The human mind is caught in the vortex of #feedback_loops_of_Action_and_Reaction , which favors Dark Spirits in the present Time.

No wonder, Max Planck said #A Conscious Mind is the Matrix of Matter” and Einstein called us to Seek God-Mind. These great #philosophers and scientists were asking us to look to our mind and its thoughts, in relation to Absolute Mind or #GOD_MIND . ??

It is #common_sense , that all Living system opposes gravity. The grass growing, and the seed sprouting tells that life instinctively opposes gravity and the collapse of the System. Every Life stands to protect Earth, the only abode to Life. ?This means the existence of Life denies Gravitational collapse or Big Bang. The #Second_Law_of_Thermodynamics speaks of this opposition. Earth that inhabits single cells and the multicellular organism is #self_organizing , with #No_Time_Direction .

This also means #Earth takes Central Position in the Universe. It may not be #Geometrical_Center , but an off-centered center, much as the Heart is the Center of the living system. All religious Scriptures speak of a #Living_Universe that is #Earth_Centered. It is here that #God and #Satan fight for Human Souls.??

However, when we include Adult Humans, who exist disconnected from Once consciousness and Universal Consciousness and live a Mind and #self -Centered Life, becoming a slave to the material world, the #Self_Organizing picture breaks down and a #Threat_to_Earth and all life in it emerges. No wonder Max Planck and Einstein called us to introspect our mind and its thought in relation to God and His Mind.

#Common_sense says that heat is the basal form of energy. Any system that is heated expands. Its #kinetic_energy increases and its #potential_energy decreases, leading to an imbalance. The Earth and all life in it are #designed_to_balance . We exist in #cycle_of_energy that has both heating and cooling phases. The Day and Night Cycle, the climatic cycles speak it loud. ?Heating cycle and cooling cycle alternate. The #Earth_is_Designed to work like a living being which essentially works to sustain the system at an #optimum_temperature .

When we exponentially increase heat, intervene in the night cycle, and cut forests that trap light and heat to form the biological mass and sustain the O2 and CO2 balance, we are digging our graves.

We are in the #Great_Feedback_Loop ?of the evil minds. If I am to put in the words of #AVATAR , we are endangered by #EVIL_SKY_PEOPLE or Gods People or the #Fallen_Angels . They Speak of God and Heaven but truly are material centered. They resist Humanity from connecting to the God within and awakening.

In summary, the Source of the fall of Humans exists in His Mind that becomes material centered. Thus, Max Planck Said “Conscious and Intelligent Mind is the Matrix of Matter” When the Humans mind is in the grip of the Evil Mind, then the system deteriorates and gets pushed to the limit of collapse.

Our Earth, under the civilization that the west built, has reached a collapsing point. Earth is a non-linear system. We have pushed her beyond the #TIPPING_POINT . Thus, we see all Forces of Nature turning against Humanity. We have entered the #TRIBULATION period. In religious scriptures, this is compared to #BIRTH_PANGS

It is not only the climate but also the religions of the world that are emerging as Threats to civilization. Religions control our #mindset , they operate behind the powerful kingly, and political leaders of Nations. They resist us from evolving to know our oneness beyond religion. Our survival now exists in awakening to the Simple Truth of Life, Nature, and the Cosmos. It exists in answering the #BIG_QUESTIONS left behind by Science. It exists in knowing our oneness beyond religion. It exists in #Individuals_and_collective_Awakening_to_Consciousness ?

Most scientists and intellectuals are losing hope for Earth and life on it. Noble Laureate #James_Lovelock the Father of #Gaia_Hypothesis predicted that 5/6th of the population will be destroyed by #2100. #Stephen_Hawking called out to leave the planet Earth by 2100 and populate other planets. I don’t see even that gap, because Earth is Non-linear and we have reached the #TIPPING_POINT ?

There has been a spiritual awakening in the last century, but it has failed to evolve. Many have returned to the old ways and some still keep #FAITH hoping for a #Divine_Intervention ???

The #GOOD_NEWS is the Divine Intervention is in progress, but most are not aware. In freedom, in the #Absence_of_Truth, the Dark and Evil minds are growing in every realm. People are falling for the Material Pull.?Once science evolves to see the Simplicity of Life Nature, and the Cosmos and its working, people will be liberated from the bondage of religions to know God as the Life Force operating in all and will know their oneness in One Root.

Then a #GREAT_TRANSFORMATION would happen spontaneously to our society and we would step into the #Golden_Age of #Truth_and_Justice . We will learn to live in Peace, with ourselves, with Earth and Heaven – The rest is details.????

The key is evolving Science answering the #BIG_QUESTIONS scientist left behind sensibly and in simplicity. ?The key is to know “mass_and_gravity as #Emergent_Property from the Charged particle fusing to attain a higher and higher equilibrium state. Equilibrium is death. Nature works on Non-Equilibrium.

Explore the links below to know the #Design_and_Principle on which #God_Patricle , dances, and manifests matter with mass. How it manifest Life and Creativity.

Reference Links

1] Deep Thoughts -A NEW SIMPLE VISION OF ATOM - Part-1 Fundamental Principle and Design Underlying the Universe



2] Knowing How the living system, which is conscious and intelligent forms and how it sustains itself with Creativity.

Deep Thoughts - A New Simple Vision of Atom -Part 2 - THE ATOM OF LIFE WITH INNER DYNAMIC SPACE



3] Knowing the Human Mind, its weakness

THE ATOMIC ROOT OF THE HUMAN MIND - DEEP THOUGHTS - A New Simple Vision of Atom and the Universe Part -3



4] Knowing the Supreme Center, the Supreme Human, and God, to which the material world and its force direct in time to form again and eternally exist.

BIG BANG – The Living and Spiritual Interpretation - The DEEP THOUGHTS - The Story of Quantum Particle, Atom, and the Universe Part – 4


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