What are The Common Paint Defects: How to Solve them.

What are The Common Paint Defects: How to Solve them.

When it comes to painting, is a critical stage of any construction project. It's easy to feel worn out and solely focused on completing the project at this point. However, it's important not to overlook factors that could affect the overall look and long-term protection of your project. Paint defects can undermine the impressive look you've worked hard to achieve and result in additional costs in the long run. It's essential to be aware of common paint defects, their causes, and how to fix them.

i) Brush/Roller Marks

This issue is due to poor workmanship. You will notice the tools used by the artist displayed on your wall. In some cases, it may also be caused by improperly diluted paint chemicals, especially water-based paints. This flaw can reflect poorly on your project, indicating a lack of style and quality. The best solution is to collaborate with a certified and experienced artist. Depending on the paint brand you choose for your project, the brand may have provided training for technicians in the past

Brush roller on a wall


ii) Dumping/Mildew growth

Mostly common in wet and cold areas. Dumping is mostly evident by the formation of blue fungus on the wall. This is caused by two or more things the first and major one being the lack of wall waterproofing in your project. When water sieves into the wall, over time it impacts the paint's chemical through reaction and what becomes evident is the reaction and formation on the wall. To be able to remedy this, some paint brands may falsely claim to have paint chemicals that can withstand this, but over time you find that is not the case. The best remedy to this is to ensure you have done waterproofing on your project especially if you are in humid areas.

iii) Blistering

This is evidence by blister-like spots on the wall after paint. It is a result of moisture being trapped beneath the paint film. When left unattended the blistering defect may result in greater damage. They give your project an outlook of laziness and unprofessionalism. The best way to curb blistering defects in paints is to ensure the cause of the moisture intrusion is addressed. In a case where the defect has already been detected it is advisable to surface prepare afresh and allow the surface to dry the repaint. Using quality paint

A Depiction of a wall that has blistered


iv) Peeling

Peeling is a defect that is evident in most walls. I am sure you have walked passed one that is on the verge of peeling and just felt the temptation to have fun as well. This defect is caused by paint films losing adhesion to the substrate mostly due to moisture infiltration, inadequate surface preparation, or incompatible paint layers. The most common cause that tends to be overlooked amongst the three is the incompatible paint layers. If your wall is experiencing peeling, the best solutions would be to remove flaking paint, sand the surface, and apply the same brand of bonding primer as the top coat that will be used to ensure you stick with quality over price.

v) Efflorescence

When soluble salts come to the surface of the paint, efflorescence occurs. This is usually evidenced by the formation of white, cloudy residues on the wall surface, which can make your house look untidy. The best solution to this issue is to wash the affected surface with a mild detergent. Afterward, apply masonry sealer or primer to prevent further salt reaction. In the long run, you may want to consider repainting the entire wall surface just to be on the safe side.

vi) Fading

Fading is a defect that results from prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV radiation. Fading is a bit difficult to control, considering that we are unable to control what the sun's rays hit. The intensity to which fading impacts your wall will vary from location to location. Even though we know we know that this defect is a result of time and exposure to the sun another cause of the defect will be the use of poor-quality material in your construction project. The best solution is to use UV-resistant paint. The next best alternative is ensuring you select paint whose quality can withstand the sought of climatic conditions you are undertaking your project.

A wall depicting fading as a defect

To be able to construct and finish off a project success in most cases is defined by the last process which is painting. The sought-after finish that you give your construction project will say a lot in the long run. Some of these defects mentioned above are easy to avoid by i) following the right process of painting from surface preparation to application of the top coat and ii) choosing the best quality of paint that best suits your project based on usability and location. Share your thoughts on which of these defects have you had the chance to experience and how you went about it.


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