What is the Common Denominator of disease?

What is the Common Denominator of disease?

Disease is, at it's core, at it's most fundamental level, disordered tissue. There is no argument against that statement. Some will say, well, disease can be of the emotions or mental dimension. This is another discussion. For the proposes of this document, when I say disease I mean a physical disorder like a tumor. Or, take for example diabetes. It is common knowledge this condition is a disorder of the tissue known as the pancreas, such that it does not respond appropriately to metabolic demands for insulin.

Mental (emotional) illness may or may not be physical in origin, therefore, in the interest of clarity and simplicity, I limit my claims relative to "disordered tissue" to those conditions widely accepted as being physical in manifestation. This discussion does bear on mental & emotional issues, but these are more complex problems and we will leave them to another day. However, you will find a related article on our blog @ PhysicsOfWelness.com/blog/physicsofconsciousness.

Having set the "physical" precedent, I ask again: What is the common denominator of (physical) disease? This query is another way of saying, is there a single common characteristic of all diseased tissue? To answer this question, and it does seem a pertinent question, I think you will agree with me that logic demands we reduce our conversation to the "construct of tissue." What, exactly, is the blue print of living tissue? What are the physical components of living tissue? Seems obvious we must answer this question to address, reasonably, the question before us: is there a common denominator of diseased tissue?

So, the construct of living tissue, what is it? In medical circles, in answer to this question, you would hear the word "molecules."

Did you just hear the Jeopardy buzzer? Wrong answer!

As long as we are in this world, in this reality, all matter is made of the same components. These "constructs of matter" never vary. They are called ATOMS! Molecules are made of atoms. Doctors and Researchers know that. They ignore it, but they know it! The entire focus of modern science is at the level of molecules. It is only at this level Researchers can fantasize about chemical constructs that may reap billions of dollars. This fantasy is the driving force behind their funding. If they turned to Nature, to the fundamentals of life and the constructs of matter, all such speculation will die, and the funding with it. Modern medicine is first about funding. Healing follows that priority!

So, now we are reduced to: what are the components and constructs/structure of the atoms that make up the molecules of living tissue. Once we know this, we may be able to answer our question about Common Denominators.

It has been established that atoms have two dimensions. Those classic dimensions are: the nucleus and the electrons surrounding the nucleus! These are always the same. The nucleus may vary as to element, and there may be more or less electrons, but the basic structure is always the same I.E. elemental protons & electrons (two or more photons). Neutrons are found in the nucleus of atoms, but are without charge and inconsequential to our discussion.

However, there is one other characteristic of healthy living tissue that is always present, though it is not of the atom individually. Rather it is "of structure." Though still a fundamental property, this entails a broader focus, involving more than one atom. The structural component we reference is ORDER! Look at this image of living tissue. Always there is this impressive ORDER and it is pervasive down to the atomic level.

Now look at the image of cancer below. No ORDER here. Clearly the appearance of ORDER is missing. Ahh! here, then, is the essence of our question. One fundamental commonality of diseased tissue is DIS-ORDER.

But, that is not the answer we need. We must know more! We need the cause of this disorder. What is the fundamental cause of disorder in diseased tissue? Again, we must go the the structure of the atom, the components of the atom, and how these two (elements & electrons) interact. This will give us the COMMON DENOMINATOR of disease, and our finding will be irrefutable since we are at the fundamental level of matter, of reality I.E we can go no further, we are at the limits!

Aside is the atomic structure of a (healthy) protein molecule. The ORDER is obvious. What gives us the order? If we knew that, we might be close to what causes tissue DISORDER, which we have established, generally, as the underlying characteristic, COMMON DENOMINATOR, of disease.

The ORDER, so powerfully obvious in healthy living tissue, and in the diagram in imitation of living tissue, is a by-product of the electromagnetic forces between atoms. Everyone knows this! It is the little lines in the above illustration that are between the representative capital letters of the elements. These little lines are the "structural component" of atoms. These lines represent electrons or, more fundamentally, photons (electrons are two or more photons). Yes, those little packets of energy we get from the Sun, and which are stored abundantly (supposed to be) in food! Photons are the COMMON DENOMINATOR of healthy (ordered) tissue. And, conversely, a deficiency of Photons is the COMMON DENOMINATOR of diseased, disordered tissue! When there is a shortage of the electromagnetic forces that bind atoms together (photons), atoms collapse on one another. This is DISORDER, this is DISEASE at the quantum/atomic level, as shown in the image of Pancreatic Cancer above.

The simple volume of demand eliminates the elements as the Common Denominator. Photons are demanded in massive quantity daily. Elements are demanded sparsely, comparatively speaking. Yes, in the latter stages of disease a deficiency of elements may be found, but by this time photon deficiency has been prolonged and proliferates. And, interestingly, it is the deficit of electromagnetic forces (which hold elements in their place within the molecule) that are responsible for the loss of elemental components.

What causes a deficiency of Photons in healthy tissue? Only one answer:* a deficiency of photons in food.

What causes a deficiency of photons in food? There are only 5 answers to this profound question: 1. growing methods, 2. delivery time, 3. processing, 4. types of food, 5. cooking! (See Edible & Inedible Foods booklet on site.)

Anticipating your immediate response, I answer: "yes, it is possible to live in our modern world with the levels of photons required for immunity, long life - but not without some careful planning!"

*Added to the above there is the loss (by modern people) of Nature's rhythms for sleep, which must be considered. This story, too, revolves around the discreet packet of energy we call photons. But that is a story for another day, and it may be the BIGGER story! See our web site for more!


Jeffrey T. LaCour, PhD的更多文章

