What Comes to Mind When Jumping from an Airplane and How It Relates to Copay

What Comes to Mind When Jumping from an Airplane and How It Relates to Copay

There you are, sitting in the airplane and waiting for the pilot to call out for you to get ready to jump. Many things go through your mind at this point, one of which might be, “How did I get myself into this mess in the first place, maybe I need to re-evaluate my bucket list…and quickly”! Then the instructions come, and you find yourself standing at the door waiting for your turn and you think “Boy that ground looks very far down, is it too late to back out”? ???

Plenty of thoughts and questions may come to mind at this point on a variety of different topics, but I promise you once you jump out the door… the all-important question will come to you…quickly! “Will my parachute open?” This will usually be the question that enters your mind first as gravity pulls you towards the ground. A few seconds later, once your parachute opens (and you begin breathing normally), you should be able to enjoy your time the rest of the way down focusing on your touchdown point.

You may be asking yourself what does this have to do with copay? Well…It’s all about trust and knowing someone or something has your back. For any parachute jump, preparation is the name of the game:

1.???? Prepare your body: Getting yourself in decent physical shape will only help your entire experience

2.???? Prepare your brain: Get your mental mindset correct

3.???? Prepare the parachute: watch closely as the chute is prepared for you. In the not-too-distant future, you will be packing it yourself!

4.???? Prepare for the plane - Climbing into the plane and “waddling” to the door at the proper time all take a degree of flexibility.

5.???? Prepare for the sky - Arch! The “banana” position is the most common in skydiving and is the position you will be in while in freefall, during both a tandem skydive and a first solo skydive. And remember to stretch that tummy!

6.???? Prepare for the ground - Your landing will go one of three ways – 1) a stumble 2) a fabulous “walk out” or 3) Eh, we won’t talk about the 3rd! Let’s avoid the lack of preparation jump result. Those first two both result in a successful first jump!

Preparation is what all of these steps have in common… Bernard Kelvin Clive’s quote on this subject comes to mind. He said, “If you don’t prepare you will repair”. Here that is both literally and figuratively.

In many respects, planning and optimizing copay programs is harder than jumping out of a plane. There are just so many variables and outside interferences coming at you from all sides, all of which you need to prepare for.? Having advanced tools in place to quickly translate your key data into actionable recommendations is key. As a trusted member of their teams, our clients know we’ve got their backs by giving them objective 3rd party insights and saving them time auditing, analyzing, displaying, and optimizing their copay programs.

I’ll close this article with a quote from Rolf Potts who once said “The goal of preparation is not knowing exactly where you're going, but being confident nonetheless that you'll get there”.

For a wealth of information on Copay Claims Audits & Copay Program Optimization please visit our website: https://alpha1c.com/category/best-practices/

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