What is Colour Vision Therapy 4 CI ?
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
One of those FAQ's I am now getting all the time over the last decade as 50% more children present with over-exposure to the near or close-up eye-strain and 2D visual stress adaptations.
I think most are familiar with conventional VT or the traditional binocular eye-exercises associated with a range of 3D functional loss to rehabilitate or restore stable close-up vision "convergence and accommodation" for those effectively on the journey to becoming one-eyed or asthenopic.
Whilst age diverse and a particular risk for adults, the majority of all fulltime (58%) DSE operators in the work place presenting with "vision suppression and asthenopia", the vision stress related monocular adaptations, 50% more children suffer today.
In the workplace occupational health "Accessibility Regulations" now mitigate the risk of eye-strain or binocular vision stress working close-up on standard display screen settings, bright white background or very high contrast to text, a primary causal factor in eye-strain and vision loss.
However, this effectively acknowledges the immediate benefits of optimal colour contrast calibration of DSE, not only for the gains in "Accessibility", particularly reading rate on-screen but, more importantly the rehabilitation of user operators binocular vision.
Needless to say, colour related "access to text" interventions have been around for something like three decades, introduced by Helen Irlen, the subjectively selected "coloured overlays" and/or "tinted glasses" for reading also prescribed using the Wilkins Colorimeter mainly in the UK.
Anyway, time waits for no man and in the UK there has been a more object "Display Screen Optimiser Tool-Kit" not only used in education to enable access to text but, now developed as a "DSE Operators Wellbeing Tool-Kit" for the workplace enabling employers compliance with the occupational health Accessibility Regulations. (ISO 30071.1 DSE Colour Contrast Calibration)
We have made it as age-diverse accessible as we can at this time so, would always suggest supervision for any user under '16' accepting many teenagers may resent this - hahah
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