"Life is the toughest school. You never know what class you are in, what exam you will have next and you can't cheat because nobody else has the same exam paper." Unknown
Life plays us different balls at different or inopportune moments. While we may not be able to prevent those balls from being played or aiming at us, we definitely can control how we react to them, depending on what colour of ball it is.
Every experience you encounter in life contributes something to the bigger picture of your purpose in life and unless you know this and prepare yourself to respond to each situation, you'd always be denied the invaluable lessons that the school of life teaches.
Featured in this post are thoughts that align with Edward de Bono's Six Hats Thinking for problem solving. Each experience is a ball with a certain colour asking a specific expectation of you.
Colour of Ball & What it signifies
- A Red Ball requires you to supply a burst of energy to solve a situational problem. Some conditions suddenly demand that you release more positive energy into your team, project phase or venture and this often occurs when you seem at low ebb. You've just got to rise to the occasion. No excuse is tenable for inability.
- A White Ball is asking you to dig into the information hive to gather as much facts as you can gather to solve the problem you're confronted with. The right information backed up with the right action plan will land you the solution.
- A Yellow Ball is asking that you toe the path of optimism regarding the particular issue you're confronted with. Looking to the bright side costs you nothing except staying on course regardless of how rough the tide is. Your thoughts become you.
- A Black Ball is the opposite of the Yellow in this recourse. It requires that you don't get vainly optimistic without a real reason to. You have to advance reasons for your optimism based on timeless winning principles. There's always another side to an issue. Weigh the other odds too. They will guide your decision and put you in a balanced position.
- A Green Ball is asking you for fresh ideas. Green is a symbol of regeneration. Don't get stale or rusty in your ideas generation drive. Find out where your ideas come from and stay in that domain when you need to; feed it as much as you can and you'll keep churning out fresh ideas. And those ideas too will find a place of resonance and meet the purpose for which they were generated.
- A Blue Ball is asking for leadership decision from you concerning the particular issue at hand. You have to take the lead each time this ball is being tossed at you. Don't delegate or abdicate that responsibility at that point in time. Brave the odds. Take charge and do not bother about mistakes. You're only human.
How or when do these play out?
Whether you are self-employed or in the employ of another, any of these balls will come at you. There's no escaping it. Sometimes, your boss is pushing you to the limits, perhaps your team is not as collaborative as you expect and others are only negative minded, seeing no benefit in the project you're pursuing and painfully too, they're not giving voice to their difference. It's a specific colour of ball that's being hurled at you anyway. Take position and take the decisive required action.
It could even be at home, in the management of relationships, or anywhere for that matter. Some colour of ball is coming at you and you cannot afford to remain passive when you should be active and vice versa. You have to do something worthwhile: active or passive mode.
The Impact of Agility & Adaptation in the Mix
This is where the value of one of the seven key skills of globalization, Agility & Adaptability, comes to play. This skill determines that you do not react the same way to different experiences that come at you. Reasons are that with this skill, you possess more nifty ancillary and accompanying skills like critical thinking, problem solving, endurance, applied flexibility and you possess the strength to adjust & adapt to change. You wear the toga "Change Agent" and so you are prepared always to face any situation head-on.
Takes Time: Every Great Thing Does
Don't expect to hone any skills of impact overnight. It takes a process of learning and development. It can be lifelong process but be very sure that, like every endeavour, if you commit to it, you definitely will begin to see the value and reap the benefits as you go on.
To put a cap to this piece, it's important and of a higher value to appreciate whatever situation you find yourself in. For all it's worth, there's a reason life throws you the particular colour of ball it does; when that happens, suck it in and imbibe the lessons thereof because at some point, they (the lessons) will come in handy.
To access more of these resourceful thoughts, why not join the Cerebral Thrust Crew at the GET AGILE VALUE CONFERENCE to RE-IGNITE for 2016? It's the great way to start off the year.
Date: January 9, 16, 23, 30, 2016
Venue: 28 Gbolade Adebanjo Street,
Off Coker Road, Ilupeju
Time: From 9am
COURSE FEE: 70,000
Pay NOW into:
Bank Name: Diamond Bank PLC
Account Name: Cerebral-Thrust Services
Account Number: 0058811606
Knowledge. Application. Transformation
Cerebral-Thrust, the Brain you can Trust.
Happy 2016 from all of us at Cerebral Thrust Services. We do profoundly appreciate your invaluable support in the year that passed. God bless you.
"Nothing shall be impossible to them that believe."
Sr: SUPERTIENDENT CONSTRUCTION/Manager: Structural&Mechanical at Nassar Al hajari corporation Ltd.
9 年5th four all over world audience
Sr: SUPERTIENDENT CONSTRUCTION/Manager: Structural&Mechanical at Nassar Al hajari corporation Ltd.
9 年4th your application appreciated
Sr: SUPERTIENDENT CONSTRUCTION/Manager: Structural&Mechanical at Nassar Al hajari corporation Ltd.
9 年3rd is green
Sr: SUPERTIENDENT CONSTRUCTION/Manager: Structural&Mechanical at Nassar Al hajari corporation Ltd.
9 年2nd one orange
Sr: SUPERTIENDENT CONSTRUCTION/Manager: Structural&Mechanical at Nassar Al hajari corporation Ltd.
9 年blue ball