What is Color Correction?
What is Color Correction?
In color correction contrast and sharpness levels are adjusted and the values of color channels are changed to achieve the desired result.
Sometimes improper white balance, inadequate light, improper exposure and some other factors may give your photograph a dull impact - even sometimes your hard tried photographs can lose its value. But with the help from us this problems can be totally fixed.
Our Color Correction services includes:
? Correction of the white balance
? Setting the right contrast, brightness and sharpness of the images.
? Removing improper color casts.
? Enhancing and maintaining consistency in balance and tone.
? Correction of contrast and density in various color channels.
? Rectify issues caused by improper exposure
? Setting the right pixelation of images for image printability.
We offer you to try our Color Correction service completely FREE of charge and with no obligation for check our work quality.
If you have any question please inbox me here- [email protected]