what is the Cognizant Student club?
I am So Ecstatic that I am one of the members of "Cognizant Student Club".
To talk about Cognizant Student Club First, I want to convey how I become a member of "Cognizant Student club" at Sathyabama University. One day I received a mail from Placement Cell from our College If you want to be a part of Cognizant Student club please Register in the following Link. So, I am interested in that so I completed my registration process. after few days I received a mail from Cognizant. That mail states that you have been selected as "Cognizant Student Club" Member and you will be visiting the company next Sunday and you will be given complete guidance on what the tasks you need to perform.so, all club members reached company on Sunday
Then I’ve got a brief introduction about the club and its major aim in setting up the club by Mr Anand (HR). There were around 10-15 colleges who visited the company and every college define merit for itself, as a result, creates a different community. The session was filled with multifaceted students and each student has its own individuality. Then we had a wonderful session with a mentor and we introduced to him about ourselves, on what we are capable of. Then we had our lunch at around 1:30 pm. I really experienced a completely new atmosphere. Then they give us a chance to be a leader of that club on our campus so, finally, three people are selected as leaders. every month leaders have to send the monthly report to the Cognizant team. now its time for a selfie ...
Above is a selfie with all the club students…I mean with our ‘friends’.
The above pic shows the cognizant student club members from all top universities.
now comes to tasks for which we have to work together to achieve it. In the month of February, the first-month tasks are out. Here they are totally Six tasks We have to perform at least three. if we complete the six tasks there be more credits added to our college and club members who are completed the task on time there is no rule that all students should have complete the task it is totally based on teamwork the students who completed the tasks they will get some credits these credits will be useful in Cognizant campus drive.so here is the first month six tasks
1. A website/ portal for Student Club.
2.A blog for Student Club.
3.A mobile App for Student Club.
4. online coding challenge.
5.Technical Debate
6.Presentation on Current Technology Trends.
and there is a seventh task called New Initiatives we can conduct any other tasks and we can conduct workshops. This we conducted one initiative i.e # cyber Security workshop
7. New Initiatives(cyber Security workshop) like this every month we have to complete the tasks.
So, to tell briefly Every month they will give some tasks which are related to Technical .we have to complete the maximum number of tasks on time and leaders should have to send the report to the Cognizant team. Every student had profile and credits which are useful in Cognizant campus drive.
This type of activities from top companies improve
1.Leadership skills
2.Technical/non-technical skills
4.Time management
5.Interpersonal skills and so on...
and we can say that Cognizant is diving Campus In this way also they are shaping the students before recruiting. Cognizant is Building a new system on campuses.