What is in the Clouds?
Brett Martin
Celestial Navigator, Intergalactic Diplomat, & Intuitive Foresight Researcher at Celestial Life Pattern & Meaning
· Section 1: What is in the Clouds?
· Section 2: It is time to get on-board Earth-ship ONE
· Section 3: Some miniature photos of more recent 2018 cloud apparitions
· Section 4: Some miniature photos of 2016 &2017 cloud apparitions
Section 1: What is in the Clouds?
What is in the Clouds?
This section advises that I will commence regular cloud photo posts that are designated by a series reference number for each group of 9 photos posted i.e. ... Nine Cloud Photos - HFG Series: C005
Why ….what is the background to this?
I originally took cloud photographs as a relaxing hobby however this has more recently morphed into something beyond just clouds. I seem to have recently been inundated with sky messages of some form. Scanning and flicking back and forth between images it has taken me quite a while to mentally resolve images and absorb what it is that I am actually looking at. Within this process, and scanning the sky directly, I started to notice patterns. I first noticed cloud triangles, then cloud saucers, cloud people, animals, images made up of what seemed like small, large and huge angel like things in fractal like fashion. I had many other odd entities appear overhead on my local blue sky canvass. I snapped away and chose to try and understand later. That is still a work in progress against thousands of photos taken between 2015 and the present. Some of these previous images can be seen within my older profile post feed some below.
Strangely some of these images appear to me in the form of ancient Gods, the Titans, or of Egyptian Pharaohs with larger eyes. Some of these are included below. Many appear in the form of Australian Aboriginal Wandjina’s as depicted on rock walls in the Kimberley’s and elsewhere in Australia.
Because to me these images appear to be messages I felt you wouldn’t mind me sharing these regular photos posts with you. I thought it particularly apt given the ‘interesting’ times we are living in. There appear to be forces and entities well beyond our current understanding that are endeavouring to warn us to choose wisely. Perhaps we should take notice.
From what I have seen to date in the clouds above I feel that if we do choose wisely our future can and will be beyond our wildest dreams. The images within the clouds seem to attest to that.
· So …what is it that is shown within the condensation of the clouds and why?
· How might we interpret and understand what such images may mean?
· I have formed my own view of the ‘what’ of these images a view based upon scanning the sky regularly and scanning literally thousands of photos across different dates and different images. A great many of these images replicate the same shapes and objects and aspects of much grander things. I will though leave recognition and interpretation of anything within any image up to each individual and that is half the magic of viewing clouds. : )
This article and future posts are shared for your collective awareness, thought and action. My personal feeling is that it is time to take back this Earth, time to restore balance, time to restore harmony and time to do so via a new global justice governed by the principles of love, goodwill, and wisdom. It is up to all to come together globally as ONE to achieve this irrespective of the criminal ‘leadership’ of some nations their obstruction, fear mongering and war mongering. Those that belong to that group seem to be making their final withering attempts to retain and control through pain and suffering. Together we are Earth’s humanity, Earth’s citizens, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters and so on. Time is up for the selfish and time for the rest on this planet to have a better future.
Cheers BCM.
Melbourne Australia
A few sample ‘interesting photos’ are noted below while others can be accessed by referring to my general post feed for older shots and for periodic shares of any new series of photos posted FYI. Each will though possibly, if not probably, raise more questions than answers. : )
Post feed: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/brett-martin-62a8a635/detail/recent-activity/shares/
Section 2: Below
Section 2: It is time to get on-board Earth-ship ONE
It is time to get on-board Earth-ship ONE
– Our mission is not-yet accomplished however we are departing soon so get on-board!
We are ALL ONE.
- Our radiant light expands … So wake up look up, become aware and act!
It is time to raise your heads, raise your hearts and raise your hope for there is always great beauty in the messages written across the heavens above. Go outside and look up upon the canvas above your heads. It is speaking loudly and clearly to you all at this point in time and space. Wake up look up!
Although humanity has made rapid and great advances this last 12 months, in terms of raising our collective consciousness, it is now time for a further stepping up of our collective consciousness.
It is time to move to a state one where we ‘ALL’ partake in a potent awareness of our oneness in being, our oneness of spirit, our collective occupation upon this planet and a deep awareness that we are all in this together …all for one and one for all (The three musketeers plus).
Our awakening has proceeded a long way and a general realisation is well emergent across this planet shining lights into dark places, offsetting darker ways and means, and collaborating with high levels of energy and innovation to overcome what only 12 months ago seemed like depression, doom and gloom for all.
Our realisation, our works and efforts to date, and well into the future, must become like a turning up of the luminosity of each and every one of us until we all shed and share a creative collective brilliance increasingly devoid of darker hues darker patches of corrosive selfishness and corruption.
It is time to step up awareness to a deep recognition that everyone and everything is connected. Each blends their radiant lights, rays and patterns to create local, communal, group, national and globally radiant light. It will be as though it were angelically created music and art created from our intertwined lights of being. We are powerful beings and we can each do this through focus and love.
Realisation of Oneness automatically opens our hearts, our sharing, and stimulates our shining light. This stage for individuals and humanity as a whole reflects our birth among the universal collective and our return to active conscious awareness of our place in the universe. We return to claim our place amongst our universal, galactic and eternal neighbours.
We the people of this planet are collectively to act as ONE humanity taking a mighty step forward. We are to hold our collective wills upon our shared being, our shared becoming, our shared presence on this planet into the future and with this we will survive and evolve onwards and upwards…”to infinity and beyond “(Buzz Lightyear – Toy Story).
It is for all on this planet to work arduously, and steadfastly for the highest that each of us can achieve supporting one another, and for each of us to shine and radiate all that we can. In doing this we together as humanity will survive and overcome the last destructive lashings that our present ‘leaders’ seem willing to impose upon us whilst they in fact lose the very grip of control and power that they lust. Humanity as one will reject and rebel from even the darkest things imposed. For while within each, and all together, we must uphold the highest, uphold our spirits, shine from within, and focus on our collective radiant light. We will all together overcome the last vestiges of darkness.
The bright light of a new day is upon us, the darkness of night has receded, though the birds have yet to clean up the last destructive parasites and dark creatures left exposed in the full daylight.
It is time for us all to raise our heads, raise our hearts, raise our hope and together collectively we WILL reach the highest and return this planet to a garden of Eden and our place upon it as something to be cherished rather than loathed. All is coming to a head so now is very much the time to hold fast and to endure keeping focused on ‘Oneness’, our bonds of humanity, and raising our spirits in support of each other in the endeavours we each take upon the final leg of the journey.
There is still pain to come but our ‘Oneness’ and our ‘Collective Spirit’ our shared light will endure.
Look up, look up take heart if you feel down there are always beautiful messages telegraphed in majestic artworks across the heavens above. Use these to keep your spirits up, to expand your awareness and to never forget what you are intricately and importantly a part of.
We are ALL ONE. Our radiant light expands … So wake up look up!
Item written by: Brett Christopher Martin (Thu 28/12/2017 Melbourne Australia)
Section 3: A small selection of 2018 Cloud Photos
Section 4: A small selection of 2016 and 2017 Cloud Photos
Life in all forms is precious and delicate and so we must always look after it
By the way for those that have made it this far try looking up the following it may be of interest.
‘Coming in the clouds’
I am not particularly religiously inclined, more so spiritually driven, but I do remember clearly from comparative religion studies, as an elective at University some 25 years ago, that the Christian bible makes reference to being informed that the second coming of Christ would be heralded by a return in the clouds along with the heavenly host of angels. I should perhaps brush up with a re-reading and follow up what other sacred texts of other faiths similarly note of the times. Some references to coming in the clouds are:
· Mark 13:26
· Matthew 16:27 , 24:30 , 25:31
· Mark 14:62
· Luke 21:27
· Revelation: 1:7
Matthew 16:27 , 24:26 Notes ‘Every eye will be able to see him’.
My personal belief, as noted many years ago and a centre for actions to date, is that “we are all the second coming” this time around. For if we do not make a global effort to repair and remediate our planet and ourselves on a global shared scale, and take individual effort at the same time, then it will need to take a mighty universal effort of help. I am assuming that the cloud images hint that that is in fact what may very soon come to the fore. Perhaps a second coming, a universal return to love and the way of spirit, will be both from within and without. I hope and long that it is one where we all rise together and in doing so return to joining the universal neighbourhood that we have surely originated from. I do hope so for my heart longs for some form of grand re-union. It is clear though that some resist any changes to the status quo most viciously, damaging and obstructing progress perhaps out of fear because they don’t comprehend love or spirit, goodwill, harmony sharing, or any way of caring for the broader good. Perhaps they only see and feel self without need for connection.
It would seem to me that great difficulty will be theirs. Two global groupings 1) of those wishing to progress and 2) those wishing to maintain a grasp upon what is a fading way, a fading model will have nowhere to be comfortable in their old ways for humanity is definitely progressing with or without them.
A brighter way is already here and any final destructive lashing out will benefit no one though there is a good chance that the ‘fools’ will do so just out of vicious spite. The Earth and its people are out of time, out of time with marking time. The Earth and its people are changing, awakening, rising ready for the new days that lie ahead, days of repairing, remediating and returning Earth to a place of joy a heaven on Earth again. Let us together weather the last stinging lashings of pain and move forward above and beyond any obstructions, any destructive efforts and hold our hearts and minds focused together on a return to spirit, love and wisdom. We will achieve this together as ONE.
Brett Christopher Martin
19th January 2018
In conclusion time has expired …. A new revelation awaits us so there is a single choice.
1) A depressing outcome corrupting, destroying and failing the planet violating spirit …
2) A brighter future joining together as ONE spirit to repair, remediate and recover the Earth.
See you in a brighter future …together.