What is CLI and should I try it?

What is CLI and should I try it?

I have been leading people through a process called Conscious Living Investigation (CLI) for awhile now. The response has been overwhelmingly positive! As a Certified Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, I see that those that participate and active engage are finding tremendous results! I am hosting a CLI weekend workshop in August (check out our calendar of events for all the details at www.namasteesperanza.com). I would love to see you


Here is a testimonial from one of our participants.

When I was first introduced to Conscious Living Investigation (CLI) I felt a lot of different things. Intimidated, self-conscious, a little afraid – OK a lot afraid! I remember thinking what the hec have I gotten myself into? This is crazy stuff. I was skeptical, to say the least.


I have now done more than a few dozen CLIs and my opinion and attitude has done a complete 180. Sometimes it’s still a little scary and intimidating but now I know why I am here and how to work through my whispers to minimize my over-reactions to every day things.


Here’s how it works. We all over-react to things. Have you ever been driving when someone cut you off in traffic? Were you calm or did you react somehow – maybe an internal rant in your head or maybe you gave voice to it? Did you call them any bad names? I was the latter! I had the best verbal rant you could ever imagine! All because someone cut me off in traffic – or at least I felt they did!


So let’s look at it from a CLI perspective! If I felt they cut me off, where was I cutting that person off first? That’s right, I said first – because if I feel it’s happening to me, then I’ve done it first to this person, right BEFORE this event happened. Upon examination, I realized that I cut that person off in the other car by wanting the road all to myself all the time – when driving, when talking, and when thinking.


The driving part was easy to see – pulling out in front of others to get ahead, knowing there wasn’t enough space. Changing lanes with barely enough space – I could go on!


I also realized I was cutting people off when we were talking to each other – from blatant interrupting to thinking about what I was going to say next while they were still talking. I did this all the time!! Notice I said did and not do.


The third place was tougher for me. In CLI speak this means we are on to something! Where was I cutting people off first when thinking? It took me a bit to get this one but when I did wow, how powerful! I was discounting other people’s thoughts and opinions if they were different from my own. Cutting them off before they could even fully express themselves. Faking that I was paying attention and even considering their thoughts.


The great news is that these were just behaviours – they are not who I really am. And the best news is that through the process of CLI we can release these behaviours and beliefs as we don’t need them anymore – our over-reaction softens.


So you may be thinking so what? I still don’t get it. Well, since I completed this CLI, if someone has cut me off in traffic, I haven’t noticed. I have had no reactions. I listen to people without thinking about my response while they are still talking, and I don’t instantly discount others opinions. I am not saying I am perfect, but I am much better than I ever was. More importantly, I don’t over-react in this situation.


You see, the event that triggers the over-reaction will keep presenting itself to you until you get the lesson. Imagine how many times I had been cut off in traffic until I got the lesson. For decades!


I now follow the CLI process on my own. Daily I encounter events that trigger a reaction:

  • I keep dropping a stack of books – so where am I dropping things before this happened?
  • No one will return my calls, they are ignoring me – so where am I ignoring them first in my life?
  • An opinion comes to mind that I feel someone is lazy – where am I being lazy toward this person first in my life?
  • And so on!


CLI is a great tool for daily use. I would encourage you to attend a CLI workshop and learn how to use this tool yourself. You will be very glad you did!


Ultimately there is NO BLAME !! You create your world yourself and only you can sort it by taking responsibility for your behavior!

- S. M., 2016


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