What to choose CaaS (Container as a Service )or PaaS (Platform as a Service) or FaaS (Functions as a Service) or stick with IaaS (Infra as a Service)
It is often a question whether customer should choose CaaS or PaaS, without going into much detail about what is CaaS (Container as service) or PaaS (Platform as a Service) or even the next step FaaS (function as a Service Popularized by AWS Lambda Server Less....is it really server less..:-) or stick with IaaS (Infrastructure as a service)
I just took into consideration the major players
The below question should easily help to determine what to choose
1.Is your application enterprise level monolith application? Ex : SAP, Oracle Retail, IBM sterling commerce,Share point
- Yeas IaaS
- CaaS or PaaS
2.Is your application SaaS (software as service)? Ex: Salesforce, Office 360
- Yeas IaaS
- No Cass or Paas
3.Is your application Monolith legacy ? Ex: Single App with huge compile time, dependency,segregated, dependent library
- Yeas IaaS (Restructure to Micro Service before its too late, take the pain now)
- No Cass or Paas
4.Is your application tied to Unix environment and cannot run Linux ? Ex : IBM Web commerce
- Yeas IaaS
- No CaaS or PaaS
5.Does you application artifact create a Docker droplet and you don’t want manipulate containers underneath
- Yeas PaaS
- No CaaS
6.Do you want to manage your IaaS or Data Center?
- Yeas CaaS
- No PaaS
7.Are you running purely Microsoft Stack?
- Yeas PaaS (Azure, Docker swarm)
- No PaaS or CaaS
8.Is your application catered to Bigdata , IoT and ML?
- Yeas PaaS (Mesos, AWS)
- No CaaS
9.Are you looking for integrated and managed DevOps feature?
- Yeas PaaS
No PaaS or CaaS
10.Is there requirement for managed Caching and Session support?
- Yeas PaaS or CaaS
- No CaaS
11.Is there requirement for managed que , Messaging or Database services ?
- Yeas PaaS
- No CaaS
12.Do you want to manage and integrate your own middle ware and ESB?
- Yeas CaaS
- No PaaS
Finding binary answers may not be possible , not to mention there can be situation in an enterprise level where few projects comes under yeas and few under no. Given the situation unless your developer and infra team are super heroes ( Twitter powers Mesosphere), running CaaS can be really challenging . But that is what separates the men from boys. Will try to compare different CaaS and PaaS platform in another day. Till then .... ride on.