What Changes Do You Want to See in the World? It may be the perfect time to step out.
It’s Your Choice. We are the creators of the world we live in – if we believe that this is so- it will be so.
The power and choice are in your hands... not just out there in the hands of others.
To create – and innovate at a very high level, a level that gives personal satisfaction and creates impact – I believe we must begin to look closely at the questions below.
Have a look. These are game changing questions:
And then look at--what is the gap between these three aspects of your life and take 2 steps/actions to bridge the gap?
Everyone I know senses big change in the air. If you are reading this, chances are you are very tuned in and self-aware. Be open to putting your gifts to use in the world in ways that you feel really good about. The questions above helped a to see where I fit in this new world. If they inspire you- wonderful.
Awakening is in the air- everywhere. It’ s time to create what’s right and next for you.
Join me for a few guidance sessions – a way I can support you.
Sessions are short term and have truly been transforming lives.
Take a look: Link https://offer.maureensimon.com/the-intuitive-wisdom-guidance-sessions
Have a great rest of the autumn,
With care,