What challenges do modern workplaces face?
Organizations that have not implemented an office space management software face the challenges of ineffective space management, a poor visitor experience, disconnected communication, and health and safety issues.

What challenges do modern workplaces face?

“Let's understand the importance of workplace experiences and their correlation with office space management.”

Organizations that have an engaged workforce, tend to outperform when compared to their counterparts wherein employees are less engaged. Better quality of work, lower employee turnover rate, and higher number of outcomes are some of the positive signs that your workforce is highly engaged and aligned with the organization.

Office space management is one of the key reasons why employees feel more productive and engaged at their workplace. Since the pandemic, the majority of organizations have gone partially or fully virtual in their operations and have given rise to the concept of a hybrid workplace management system.

Understanding the importance of workplace experiences and their correlation with office space management, we will dive deep and understand the cause-effect relationship between the two. 

Key challenges organizations face in creating excellent workplace experiences

No organization wants its workforce to work in a place wherein employees do not feel comfortable working. Some of the many challenges that organizations face while creating excellent workplace experiences have been elaborated on in detail below.

  1. Making everyone feel connected: The workplace is like a second home as that’s where employees spend most of their time in a week. It is therefore important for employees to connect and mingle with one another instead of just working in isolation on projects.

  1. Minimal data-driven decisions: Data and analytics set a pragmatic vision and future for an organization. Without data and analytics or with minimal data, it is difficult to make decisions. Minimal data means that organizations need to work with assumptions and that can lead to ineffective results in the long run. Alignment of the organization’s vision with that of employees may start to decline as well. This brings anxiety among the workforce and therefore, may have a negative impact on their morale.

  1. Ineffective space usage at the workplace: Poor space designs at the workplace cost businesses a lot of money. Lack of proper office space management can also lead to distress among employees if their work desks are too small or the place becomes overcrowded. 

  1. Haphazard and disorganized meeting room booking: One of the most common issues that keep on recurring at the workplace is a double booking of the meeting room.  If two crucial meetings are scheduled at the exact time, it may cause issues among the employees in absence of a meeting room booking app. This can hamper relations between employees and the organization may also lose potential business if the meetings do not take place at the given date and time.

  1. Overburdened admins: Operating helpdesks can more than often feel like a thankless job. Requests and calls can easily overwhelm the admin team and make their life even more difficult. Office space management software can ease the burden on the admin team and streamline processes to not overwhelm the front desk teams.

  1. Health, safety, and security issues: To create a productive and positive workplace, one of the most important reassurances employees require is that the place is safe, secure, and hygienic. If the employees feel uncomfortable with their surroundings, this will directly have a negative impact on their overall performance, productivity, and satisfaction with the organization. The organization must ensure that employees’ comfort is looked after while they are at the workplace.


  1. Disconnected visitor experiences: In absence of a visitor management system, it becomes difficult for visitors to find the right meeting rooms, or even check into a workplace. Delivery technicians and cleaners, have to coordinate with the admin of the organization to ensure that everything is running smoothly and that only the required personnel are present on the premises, at any given point in time.

  1. Managing communications across multiple channels: At hybrid workplaces, day-to-day interaction between employees has become more complex than ever. Employees work from the office or remotely. A major challenge for HR and teams is how to establish a streamlined channel of communication, regardless of where the employee works from. 

If you’ve faced any of these challenges, you know the roadblocks to an excellent workplace. This leads us to a question, an office space management lead to exceptional workplace experiences for employees? 

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What is office space management and how does it help organizations embrace the future?

Office space management is a set of processes and tools that involves the management of an organization to manage physical space at the workplace. Office space management platforms like Urspayce ensures the workplace has no waste of space and employees are comfortable at the workplace.

An important feature of modern and integrated workplace management software, office space management offers the benefits of: 

  • Boosts your space efficiency 
  • Boosts workforce productivity and employee satisfaction 
  • Minimizes vacant or underutilized space 
  • Saves operations costs
  • Creates a world-class experience for today’s agile workforce 

Redefining workplace experiences for employees using Urspayce

Urspayce is the world's first most integrated workplace management software (IWMS), created to manage workplaces virtually, all across the globe, especially for hybrid workplaces.

Urspayce is a one-stop shop solution for all your office space management as well as a hybrid workplace management system. From security and compliance to space management and other various professional services, Urspayce offers it all. 

Click here to know more about Urspayce and its exciting solutions for all your office space management requirements.



