What If......
Strange times!!! Crazy times!!! Will it ever be the same????? I don't think so.
We saw something that was totally different from anything we have ever experienced; except for some of our parents and grandparents with the wars they went thru and other pandemics. But most of us have never seen anything like it!!!
The truth of the matter is that this could be a time of new discoveries, of change; of learning different things.
For one, I decided to try some vegetables that I have never even thought about eating before. Heard Swiss Chard was an amazing vegetable!! Powerful, full of dense nutrients, full of antioxidants, flavonoids and phylenols!!! Was happily impressed.
Last night my daughter and I decided to go to a different restaurant where we would never had gone before (better leave the name out on this one), because it was hamburgers and french fries. People raved about it and we wanted to try something new. We asked for 2 different kinds of salads. Apart from the great water view.....the food for us......was just awful !!
In October, before this whole thing started, I decided to jump into a new venture!! A new network marketing biz that was not even 1 yr. old!! That was totally going out of my comfort zone, and crazy my friends told me...... but today, with all these things going on, it was one of the best decisions of my live and I eventually became a co-founder of this amazing company. People were ready for home base business more than ever!! It reminds me of some stories of successful entrepreneurs that just did it and thought WHAT IF..........
Start thinking outside of the box for once. These are times that one day we will reminiscent and will say to our kids and grandkids..."It was a terrible time, we had to stay locked inside our house for almost 3 month, glad its over" OR "It was a terrible time but I learned something new, I did a bold move with my life, I took a course in accounting, I learned a new language".
Just saying...........................WHAT IF..................We only live once in this uncertain, crazy and amazing world................WHAT IF..........................