What causes your app performance lag behind!
Launched your App? Planning to earn Profit? But what is it? Its performance leaves much to be desired which is sure to reflect on traffic and your gains. How could it happen? You remember clearly the performance was tested and everything seemed OK.
It seems you should look back a bit farther and consider the scenario how exactly your performance testing was carried out. Chances are some unfavorable scenarios took place, they can be one of the following:
Unrealistic code reliance
I wonder sometimes that how often one can hear the managements say, “Our coders are experts, so the code’s going to be perfect.” What they overlook is it’s quality Assurance and Control that gives scalability, not code. Similarly, you never know until you try. So to be really sure it’s working, you need to try and verify.
Inappropriate testing schedule
The coding tends to take longer and hence more often the companies when are done with some functional testing and that’s all when the release date comes. But then what about the performance, scalability, transaction times, etc.? They don’t even have time to think of these. So, you should make it your rule to build in some time for performance testing prior to the launch. Good QA teams take care to do this all the way through their agile development cycle. Every time they check in code, they also look at the transaction times.
Poor testing productivity
Providing you’ve planned these period of load and performance testing, but you find out that this time only satisfies to get the test working. Hence at this pace, you won't be able to run more tests, let alone make any fixes to the code. Around a decade ago it was OK, but now you must be more agile. So the key is in frequent and regular testing.
Limited user scenarios
Do you really think users will only encounter those things which you've tested? If you want to really see what user pathways will do to the database, you can’t but think deeper to reveal every possible use case of multiple real user scenarios and test them in parallel.
With keeping all the above mentioned things in mind, it can now be easier for you to do proper performance testing of your app and hit the big time.
All The Best!