The menopause is defined as the time after a woman's menstrual periods have ceased (12 months after a woman's final menstrual period).
It is associated with an estrogen deficiency and can cause an increase in vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes), genitourinary symptoms (vaginal dryness, sexual dysfunction, frequent urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence), and musculoskeletal symptoms (joint pain) as well as sleep and mood disturbance.
One of the most common menopausal symptoms is hot flushes; approximately two-thirds of postmenopausal women will experience them, and 20% of women can experience them for up to 15 years, states the review.
When a woman has gone through menopause, she normally does not expect to have any further bleeding. However, women may sometimes experience additional vaginal bleeding. If she has gone through menopause, doctors consider the bleeding abnormal, and a woman should contact her physician.
Examples of bleeding symptoms that could indicate that she needs to call her doctor include bleeding after sex or bleeding that is very heavy and more than “spotting.”
Most commonly, the bleeding is unrelated to an issue with menstruation and may be due to another cause that should be identified.
What can cause this Post Menopausal Blessing?
Postmenopausal bleeding can be due to a number of causes. Examples of some of the most common causes include:
? Endometrial atrophy: When the hormone estrogen stops being produced due to menopause, a woman’s endometrial lining may start to become thinner. As a result, the lining of the endometrium may be more likely to bleed.
? Endometrial hyperplasia: This condition causes the uterine lining to become thicker instead of thinner, giving rise to heavy or irregular bleeding. The cause of this condition is most commonly excess estrogen without the hormone progesterone to offset it. Endometrial hyperplasia can sometimes lead to the development of endometrial cancer.
? Endometrial cancer: This is cancer of the endometrial lining. An estimated 10 percent of postmenopausal women with uterine bleeding experience the bleeding due to endometrial cancer.
? Polyps: Polyps are growths that can develop on the lining of the uterus. They are usually noncancerous but can cause unusual or heavy bleeding. Polyps can sometimes grow inside the cervical canal. When this occurs, a woman may experience bleeding when she has sex.
Other potential, but less likely, causes of postmenopausal bleeding include:
? clotting problems
? infection of the uterine lining, which is known as endometritis
? trauma to the pelvis
? bleeding from the urinary tract
? thyroid disorders
Hormone medications, such as tamoxifen, may also cause postmenopausal bleeding as a side effect. Many women will experience breakthrough bleeding as a result of taking hormone replacement therapy in the first 6 months.
Regardless of the potential underlying cause, it is important that a woman sees her doctor when she has vaginal bleeding.
The Natural Remedies
*Where Post Menopausal Bleeding has occurred?
(1) Get Vitamin K: Vitamin K is manufactured by friendly bacteria in the intestines. If you take antibiotics for any reason, it may kill bacteria without asking if they are friend or foe. Vitamin K might make the difference between bleeding and not bleeding, or at least less bleeding rather than more. It is recommended to take a vitamin K as supplement, consume acidophilus or eat yogurt to help replace the friendly bacteria, and/or eat foods rich in vitamin K. You can get Vitamin K from shopping malls. Dosage is one tablet per day until bleeding stops.
(2) Get Firmax3 Hormonal Replacemenrt Cream: This is a sure guarantee to help reverse the condition regardless of the causative factor. This therapeutic use had been tremendous.
Usage: Apply enough amount of cream and rub in a circular motion (the direction of transport is counter clockwise)., first the two wrist areas; then apply cream to fore head; then apply to the neck area and then, apply to the lower abdomen. Use three times daily.
How Can I Prevent Postmenopausal Bleeding?
In some circumstances, there is tnothing a woman can do to prevent bleeding after menopause. It can be a crucial message your body is sending that something just isn’t right. But often, there are steps you can take to avoid the conditions that cause these bleeding events.
Maintaining hormonal balance
When hormones are at play, there are some relatively simple lifestyle changes that can keep your hormones balanced, thus avoiding one of the most common conditions that leads to bleeding after menopause:
? Eat as well as you can. Make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs by choosing fresh vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.
? Get up and move. Staying active can be instrumental in keeping your body balanced and healthy.
? Relax. Taking time for self-care is crucial. Find ways to relieve the stress of everyday life. Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or regularly indulging in activities you love can go a long way towards stress reduction.
? Supplementation. You can prevent on overabundance of estrogen by giving your body some natural endocrine support. The use of
red clover and black cohosh have been the most investigated. So, get them as capsules at most big pharmaceutical store or shopping malls like shop-rite. Dosage of 1 capsules of Red clove capsule per day. Same apply to Black cohosh capsules.
Taking supplemental vitamins during menopause also helps to regulate your body's estrogen levels. You can take Vitamin A supplements and a Vitamin B complex to help with bleeding. Taking Vitamin C is also a good way to help with the symptoms of post-menopausal spotting. Bioflavonoids are collagen-building nutrients that help strengthen blood vessels to reduce bleeding.
? Minimize exposure to xenoestrogens. Pay attention to how often you expose your body to chemicals that can wreak havoc on your hormones. Perfumes, cleaning products, even cash register receipts may impact your hormonal balance, so go natural any chance you can.
COURTESY: RightLiving Health Foundation - a registered Non-Governmental Health Maintenance organization focusing on Preventive Medicine and Nutritional Therapy with emphasis on Natural Health)
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