What causes an Allergy?
An allergy occurs when a person reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless for most people. Your immune system identifies the foreign bodies and then goes on to produce Antibodies which memorize the characteristic of the intruder (Allergen).
So why is it exactly that some people are allergic to certain things while others are not?
The first stage of what is called an allergy occurs when a person comes into contact with the allergen at the precise moment a dramatic event is taking place. So there is a direct relationship between the emotional trauma and the external element (allergen). The body then memorizes the substance or element that was present at the time of emotional trauma and the immune system categories it as something dangerous because it is associated with painful emotion. The body then tries to eliminate it when it is detected in the body.
The second stage is when the allergic reactions manifest in the physical body. To heal an allergy we need to find the event that is stored in the sub-conscious and the psychological drama and identify the emotion.
An example could be, a woman is at her home, with some friends and while they are happily chatting away they are snacking on some nuts. The doorbell rings and it is the police who are there to inform her that her husband has died in a car accident.
In this case, the emotional impact of a dramatic event (being told her husband has died) attached to a separate secondary event (snacking on nuts) the woman unconsciously connects her emotional trauma to the nuts she was eating, and then an Allergy was born.
Before this she was able to eat nuts without any problems.
The event of being told about her husband's death was so destabilizing for the woman that it then goes on to be stored in the sub-conscious. The next time she comes into contact with nuts, physical symptoms appear. It’s now like a warning: every time you eat nuts you will remember unconsciously the painful emotional situation. In order to protect her, the unconscious moves the emotion into the physical body (sneezing, rashes, itching, swelling the eyes)
In this way, dealing with annoying allergic reactions, she is distracted from the painful trauma which has been stored in the subconscious related to the substance (nuts)
Another great example is from Tina Zions's book advanced Medical Intuition where a client who, at 5 years old was sitting in the back seat of the family car. Her parents who were in the front seat were complaining about all of their allergies and which symptoms they were having at the time. She distinctly remembers wishing she could be just like her Mother and Father and have allergies as they did. Guess what? She quickly began to have severe allergies to many foods and multiple plants in the environment. She did not have allergies up until she had these particular thoughts. In this case, strong emotions of love tied with the thought of wanting to be like people sh loved created an allergic reactions to the same things her parents were allergic too.
If we are allergic to substances from birth we need to then look at our mother's experiences which occurred during the time of pregnancy or our ancestors.
Asthma physically manifests as breathlessness, accompanied by whistles. It is said that people with asthma are living in an emotional conflict over their territory, either in their home or with family. It could be that a person feels uncomfortable or stifled in their living environment. Somehow it’s like a deep cry from a soul to be loved and to be cared for. Asthma can also be an inherent need to control life's external situations.
When a child has asthma it’s time to take a look at the relationship between their parents. It is most loving and harmonious or is it filled with conflict. Another reason a child may have Asthma is if they have the feeling of being rejected by their mother and father in this lifetime, and this feeling may very well have been perceived since conception.
The feeling of rejection is known to cause blockages in the respiratory system of a child because they are afraid to take the first breath of air and to enter a situation of constant rejection. This feeling can be aggravated by the cutting of the umbilical cord.
The amplified effects of these emotional challenges can influence other important organs and glands of the body. They can respond to the malfunctioning of the thyroid, and parathyroid, it's dilatation, and contractions, making the respiratory process difficult, if not painful.
Pollen allergy is normally caused by a resistance to a situation in your life, a past memory, or even a side of your personality.
It can also be resistance and a non-acceptance of the passage of time, which is especially noticeable when changing the season, the moment when allergy reappears.
Sun allergy is a term used to describe several conditions in which an itchy red rash occurs on the skin which has been exposed to sunlight.
An allergic reaction to the sun indicates that the relationship with your father (both physically and spiritually) is a source of suffering for you.
It can also represent a refusal to accept your “Inner Father.”
Antibiotics are powerful medicines that kill bacteria or slow their growth.
The term “antibiotic” is made up of the words anti = against and bios = life.
These are drugs that work against life. They also kill something inside you.
A reaction to antibiotics is an indication that you must accept all aspects of life, even if they take the form of tension or conflict.
Dust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to tiny bugs that commonly live in house dust.
This type of allergy indicates a fear of all the things you feel are impure and dirty, a fear which often projects into sexuality.
Cat allergy in humans is an allergic reaction to one or more allergens produced by cats.
A cat symbolizes the most feminine aspects of sexuality and qualities such as gentleness and tenderness. If you are allergic to cats, you may have problems in this area.
If you experience allergic symptoms, it’s time to ask yourself;
What Allergen is it?
When did I have contact with the allergen before the first outbreak of the allergy?
What are the symptoms?
What organs and what part of the body is affected?