What is carbon footprint?

What is carbon footprint?

In modern parlance, an activity's or an organisation's "carbon footprint" refers to the total quantity of carbon it emits, often expressed in tonnes. Since it represents one of many competing needs for biologically productive land, carbon footprint is an essential element of the Ecological Footprint. Usually, the bulk of an individual's carbon footprint will come from transportation, housing and food.?

Why is it essential to reduce carbon footprint?

There are many reasons why reducing carbon footprint is essential. Let us look at the primary ones.

1. It is affecting the environment: The apparent importance of lowering one's carbon footprint is due to its damage to our world. As CO2 emissions continue to rise, we should expect more extreme weather events, including record high temperatures, persistent rain throughout the year, tropical storms, wildfires, and the disappearance of ice caps. Changes in precipitation patterns are affecting plant growth. It's causing native plant life to relocate to areas with lower temperatures. As the ocean rises, it erodes coastlines and destroys ecosystems. Some islands and island countries may vanish entirely, and many coastal cities and towns will be forced to relocate as a result.

2. Carbon footprint is impacting human health: Human health-particularly that of children-in places with poor sanitation and frequent drought, is another area where higher carbon footprints may have negative consequences beyond the environment and animals. Drought and other climate-related issues make it harder to cultivate crops used to feed people. Because of this, food is scarce, and malnutrition rates rise. Droughts not only lead to an increase in the prevalence of diarrheal disorders but also disrupt the availability of clean water. People with respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and allergies, are rising due to the poor air quality index in most areas.

3. Carbon footprint can retard economic growth: A further reason cutting carbon emissions is crucial is the danger it presents to the economy. Several reports have revealed that nations heavily reliant on agriculture and natural resources would feel the effects of climate change. Crop yields have dropped, for instance, in Indian fields. A similar decline in catching rates is threatening the world-famous New England lobster business in Maine, USA, due to rising carbon emissions. There will be severe consequences for Maine's economy if this continues. As a further economic blow, coral reefs are in danger from warming oceans.

To grasp the significance of carbon footprint, imagine the imprint you would make if you walked barefoot across wet cement. Such a mark captures and preserves your signature for a very long period. Whether you know it or not, every action of yours affects your carbon footprint. Your carbon footprint becomes larger whenever you waste energy by leaving a light on, using a vehicle to work, or buying bottled water. However, you may lessen your impact on the environment by turning off appliances, utilising public transit, and using reusable water bottles. Leaving a smaller carbon footprint is crucial since it is like leaving a stamp of your activities on the world forever.



