What is Capsaicin in Pepper Spray?

What is Capsaicin in Pepper Spray?

In 1878, the chemical component known as capsaicin was first isolated in crystalline form from chilli peppers. Soon after, it was found that capsaicin gave the mucous membranes a burning sensation. Moreover, it activated cutaneous nerve endings and enhanced gastric acid output. Capsaicin's molecular structure was partially revealed in 1919, and it was chemically synthesised in 1930. Japanese chemists first identified compounds like capsaicin from chilli peppers in 1961 and gave them the term capsaicinoids. 30% of the total capsaicinoids mixture is made up of dihydrocapsaicin (22%) nordihydrocapsaicin (7%), and homocapsaicin (1%), which are about half as hot as capsaicin.

Postherpetic neuralgia (The most common complication of shingles)? is now treated with capsaicin used topically. This drug is also used directly on the skin to treat psoriasis, diabetic neuropathy, and arthritis pain. According to recent research from the American Society for Cancer Research, capsaicin can also kill prostate cancer cells by inducing them to go through an apoptotic process.

A lachrymatory agent, commonly known as pepper spray or capsicum spray, is a chemical that irritates the eyes, causing tears, pain, and even temporary blindness. It is used for crowd control and personal defence. Oleoresin capsicum (OC), which is obtained from chilli peppers and extracted using an organic solvent like ethanol, is the active component in pepper spray. The wax-like resin is then emulsified with propylene glycol to suspend the OC in water after the solvent has evaporated. After that, the OC is compressed and used to make pepper spray.

Written by Jonathan Horwitz

Duke Defence



