What candidates want from recruiters

What candidates want from recruiters

The job market is experiencing many new changes in 2024. For example, AI and automation is taking over, large adoption of remote or hybrid working models, and overall positive economic growth. However, job openings are still limited, and there is overall caution regarding hiring among companies.?

With greater supply than demand, job seekers are constantly looking for opportunities and expect recruiters to assist them in making this process easier and more efficient. Here are seven things candidates expect recruiters to pay attention to:

  1. Transparent and Timely Communication:

Many candidates have questions regarding the hiring process, job expectations, salary prospects, etc. Candidates prefer full transparency regarding them and would not like being kept in the dark.

2. Unbiased Selection of Candidates:?

Since recruiters are the connecting thread between companies and job seekers, they should avoid assessing their candidates with any preconceived notions or biases. Recruiters should ensure that the selection is done purely based on merit; rather than gender, religion, caste, or identity.

3. Providing Adequate Feedback:

Feedback given to candidates can greatly improve their chances of getting a job. Providing feedback as to why candidates were rejected can offer new insights to them. Even though personalised feedback is not always possible, one or two-pointers can be useful for candidates.

4. Providing Networking Opportunities:

It is often seen that many talented candidates do not land jobs as they do not meet the specific criteria of the client. However, keeping these candidates in mind and contacting them when new positions open up is a win-win situation that benefits both the recruiter and the candidate.

5. Providing a Hassle-Free Onboarding:

Some companies have long, tiresome procedures for onboarding that can discourage candidates right at the beginning. Partaking in the onboarding process and making sure your candidates get an efficient and hassle-free experience should be part of the package.

6. Ensuring Training and Workshops:

Many companies provide training and workshops to their employees regarding company policies, role expectations, and other valuable skills that are necessary for the position. Recruiters should try to ensure that these are proactively provided to the candidate.

Recruiters are assessed on the basis of their skills to bring in talent and also the retention of their candidates in the company. Ensuring this requires treating the candidate with respect and understanding their needs.



