What can you, as a leader, do for others to trust you and to feel psychologically safe?

What can you, as a leader, do for others to trust you and to feel psychologically safe?

People will feel more driven to trust you in the measure in which you:

  • Empathize with them at a personal level. Truly empathizing is key and it is the most important of all the actions of a leader to gain trust.
  • Reduce pressure from them. For example by working with them to bring alignment with those with whom they collaborate.?
  • Consistently apply the values and norms agreed with them.
  • Honor your commitments, particularly so during hardship.
  • Are authentic. Years of building trust can be destroyed with the simplest of lies or deceptions
  • Are transparent. Show them your true colors.
  • Are humble. All the success should be theirs and all the falls your be yours.
  • Are supportive. Be there for them, always.
  • Are assertive. They will follow your lead even when you make mistakes because they knew you acted based on the best of your knowledge and judgement.

People will feel more psychologically safe with you in the measure in which you

  • Model vulnerability. You are as imperfect as anybody else, and it is okay that they are also imperfect. What matters is to strive to improve every day.
  • See problems as opportunities. Focus on the learnings and the solutions, and completely eliminate finger-pointing.
  • Acknowledges contributions. Be very explicit about the value of everybody’s contributions, and make it more it the content of the group than of the individual.
  • Encourage autonomy. Give them the opportunity to flourish and thrive. Imperfect execution will get them there.

Trust is their belief that you will act in their best interest and will uphold your commitment. Psychological Safety is their sense of ease to express themselves without you judging them, retaliating towards them, or ridiculing them.


Masa K. Maeda, Ph.D.的更多文章

