What Can You Do for YOUR Business Success?! (4-10)

What Can You Do for YOUR Business Success?! (4-10)

What Must You Do?!

The information below is for your success. It is not meant to discourage you, but to point you down the correct road, thus giving you maximum success in the shortest period. Is it worth the price for success in your business?

Succeeding Big...

Any business and anything you do in your personal life can be compared to farming. You must plant seeds, invest time, invest money, and care for those seeds you have planted. When a farmer plants seeds at the beginning of the farming season, the seeds are not left to their own care. Fertilizer, water, and other components go into creating a bountiful harvest. The same is true for those that save money.

Some folks save money every month and invest that money in favorable places. After so many years, the amount of money in their saving is large because of the compounding interest.

Unfortunately, there are some folks who think they can amass a fortune without planting the seeds that grow a fortune.

Planting seeds (money, time, effort, ideas, implementing our system, buying appointments, working leads, etc.) must take place on a regular basis for your life to become a plentiful harvest.

Truths and Points – Follow for Your Maximum Success....

It Takes Money to Make Money in Business

? What are some areas to look at for the development of your business or the business you represent for greater success?

? No inventory or low overhead?

? No office space to pay for (you can work from your home)?

? Are employees necessary?

? Low entry cost?

? Very little accounting?

? Do not need to spend many years learning the industry and business?

? Proven model?

? What is the market demand?

? Do you have a duplicable turnkey system?

? Global?

? B2B or B2C?

? How do you develop business?

? What is your Unique Selling Proposition?

? Do you have enough capital?

? Do you own the source, product, service?

? Can others represent you and what you offer, help others, and earn a substantial living?

? ….

Learn the Business with Eagerness

Understand your company! The more you know, the more your beliefs will increase, and the more your enthusiasm will increase!

Your business should be set-up to allow you to be a student and teacher at the same time. As you learn, you apply what you are doing, and become a teacher.

Steps for Success System

As you read our Steps for Success System thoroughly, do what it guides you to do, apply the principles, and you will have success over time.

Have Creative Enthusiasm

Most businesses are capital (money) intensive or labor (employees) intensive. This is your desire to succeed with your commitment as the foundation. Our support, Steps for Success System, assistance, and you’re getting involved as a member with us will help you create business enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm means strong excitement of feeling; something-inspiring zeal or fervor.

Being creative will help you discover new, better, simpler, and easier ways to achieve your goal of success. We have great foundation tools, which will help you, succeed.... The most important task is that you find a way that works best for you.

Your Business should Provide Opportunity to Build with Sustainability

Building your client base, helping you with your techniques for leading and managing people, and your approach to problem solving. You can depend on our Steps for Success System and being a member for: Input, guidance, support, and anything else you need.

Ultimately, though, you must make the decisions that relate to your business.

Desire to See People Succeed

Showing your employees, team members, and clients how they can succeed with their needs. Why? Your direct proportion to your ability of helping others see their goals accomplished equals your success.

Your team will need your guidance, support, development and know-how. If you do not have all the experience, what you have in enthusiasm, passion, and belief will make up most of the difference. Also, our system and training we provide to members will provide where there is lack.

The essence of successful business is "People Helping People".


Time is the only asset everyone has in equal amounts. Each of us - successes and failures, rich or poor, young or old, employed and unemployed - has exactly 24 hours per day, 168 hours per week.

The more focused and directed time you invest every week, the more results you will see faster.

Successful people know that time can be found for what they really want to do. Since most of us really want to earn more money, making the time investment is no problem.

Handling Challenges (known as so-called problems)

As you grow and succeed, you will have challenges arise. How you approach and handle these challenges will determine how large your business will grow.

When challenges take place, look at them as potential opportunities to be honest, create more solid relationships, and build trust because of your desire to support and help and find a solution.


On a regular basis, you must be up front with your team through email, phone, text, etc. Give your team (business development, employees, clients) ideas, support, offer help, and whatever else they need. It means letting them know that you care about their success and you are willing to fulfill this with your actions.

This means quicker responses to your clients. Customer service (PERSONALIZED SERVICE) is KEY!

With technology, a world environment, more information available to more people and the changes in the business world, there is more opportunity for you to succeed.

In conclusion, what is required to succeed in your business or the position you hold as a business owner?

How Can We Serve You Today?!

?Above the Standard

“We Increase Profits for Organizations”

Erwin Jack | [email protected] | https://www.AbovetheStandard.net

About Above the Standard

Above the Standard has global experience empowering and changing the lives for many executives, leaders, and organizations in more than 100 nations, having increased profits in the tens of billions of dollars, with sustainable outcomes.

Above the Standard is a dedicated and highly motivated leader and executive with more than 30 years global Business, Training, Strategic, Procurement, Finance, and Leadership experience in many different industries, from small to Fortune MNC’s.


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