What Can You Do When Being Sexually Harassed?
Kang & Associates office in Las Vegas, Nevada

What Can You Do When Being Sexually Harassed?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 governs what happens in cases of Sexual Harassment. Title VII only applies to companies with 15 or more employees on their payroll. If you believe you are being sexually harassed and your company has more than 15 employees, you may have a viable lawsuit. Please read on.

Who, What, Where, When, and Why Is Sexual Harassment

WHO: Sexual harassment victims as well as the harasser can be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex. Either can be a supervisor, an agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or a non-employee.

WHAT: Any kind of sexually offensive conduct. This can be in the form of words, physical actions, or even online messages.

WHERE: Anywhere. At work, after work, at a private function for work.

WHEN: On, before, or after work. Example: A supervisor texting you off hours.

WHY: Unfortunately, no one can say for certain "Why?", but we can take a stand and say that it is "Not OK" and there are legal remedies available to victims of sexual harassment.

Report and React

First, if you are being harassed, make sure that you let the harasser know their advances are UNWELCOME. If this is a supervisor, this can be difficult, I understand, but supervisors don’t own you or your body. You can let them know that their advances are unwelcome. This is a key element to any lawsuit.

Second, REPORT the sexual harassment in writing to Human Resources. If there is no Human Resources, report to another supervisor. Try to do so in writing or via text so you have the proof. Now, if your employer retaliates and tries to fire you, you have written evidence that this is in fact retaliation.

Call a Las Vegas Employment Lawyer

Call an attorney right away. Barring that, file a Charge of Discrimination with the eeoc.gov.


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