What Can You Do with a Smartphone on the Moon?

What Can You Do with a Smartphone on the Moon?

When the Apollo astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969, they could barely do anything with their smartphones. There was no internet, no streaming, and no apps – just a camera and a radio. In short, hardly anything. But that’s all changed. We now know precisely how to build a smartphone for the moon – and what you can do with it once you’ve got one there.

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What’s the point of a Smartphone on the Moon?

One of the most startling facts about the Apollo moon landings was that no one could ever make a call from the moon. And yet, on the surface of the moon, there’s no one you can call anyway. But now, with smartphones, there’s a whole world of possibilities for using smartphones on the moon. Just like on Earth, these include:

  • Streaming music and audio?
  • Streaming films and TV shows?
  • Running and playing games?
  • Using communication apps

How to Build a Smartphone for the Moon

A smartphone is much more than the hardware that it’s built from. After all, anyone can take a smartphone apart, and see how it’s made. But it’s what’s on the inside that really counts. And that’s where creating a smartphone for the moon is different. Below, we look at the key components that you need to build a smartphone for the moon:

  • Operating system - Android, iOS, or Windows
  • Charging and battery - a compact solar panel
  • Memory - enough to store a few music files and a few movies
  • Camera - enough to take a few photos
  • Radiation-proof casing - to protect the internal electronics
  • Other accessories - headphones, a headphone jack, and a charging/data cable

Streaming Music, Films and TV Shows on the Moon

The first thing that you might want to do when you’re on the moon with your smartphone is to stream music, films, and TV shows. The first commercial moon landing is expected in 2024 and will make streaming from Earth to the moon far easier than it is currently. Until that time, you can still stream from terrestrial services to your smartphone on the moon. But you’ll have to do it in a slightly different way than you do on Earth. For example, you won’t be able to use apps like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video on the moon to stream TV shows and films. Instead, you’ll have to stream them directly from the source websites. To do that, you’ll need an internet connection. You’ll also need to store some media on your smartphone for when you’re not connected to the internet. It’s a good idea to store a few movies and TV shows on your smartphone. After all, you don’t know when you might be able to connect to the internet. Perhaps you’ll be in a solar eclipse or a communications blackout. You’ll need some media to keep yourself entertained.

Running (and Playing) Games on the Moon

If you want to run or play games on the moon, you’ll need to make sure that they’re designed for smartphones. You won’t be able to use a mouse and keyboard, and you won’t be able to plug in a joystick. You’ll also need to make sure that they’re designed for Android or iOS – you can’t use Windows games on the moon. You’ll need to download these games onto your smartphone, and then you can run them. You may also want to consider downloading some apps that could help with lunar exploration. Examples include:

  • NASA’s iPhone App for lunar exploration
  • NASA’s Android App for lunar exploration
  • LRO app for lunar exploration

Using Communication Apps on the Moon

Although you’ll be able to communicate with people on Earth using your smartphone on the moon, there are a few communication apps that are particularly useful for lunar exploration. For instance, you may want to use a voice/texting app to communicate with your fellow explorers on the moon. One option that you may want to consider is Google’s Duplex. This app is designed to make it easier to communicate with people on the ground. On the moon, the app can be used to make calls and send texts to people on the ground. These people can then respond by sending messages and talking to you by phone. Another app that you may want to consider is WhatsApp. This app is easy to use and can be used to communicate with people on the ground. You can also use the app to connect with people on the moon.

Summing up

The Apollo moon landings were the first time that humans set foot on another celestial body. But it was also the first time that humans tried to use smartphones on another celestial body. Today, we know exactly how to build a smartphone for the moon. There are a few key differences between building a smartphone for Earth and building one for the moon. For example, you need a radiation-proof casing to protect the internal electronics. When the first commercial lunar landings take place, we’re likely to see a host of new and fascinating uses for smart devices on the moon.


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