What can you do to help someone who is frozen with fear and won't move forward in life?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: Apply the Golden Key "stop thinking about your fears and think abut God, Truth, instead". Ponder the omnipotence of God that there is only one power and that power is the power of God. Understand that power means the capacity to cause. So, if you give power to that which you fear then you will experience fear but if you do not give power to that which you have been fearing then you will not experience fear.
In other words, your human nature ego-self experiences fear because it does not believe in the omnipotence of God. And so you must replace your human way of thinking with your spiritual way of thinking because as you are reborn into spiritual consciousness you realize that to God there is no fear. Jesus illustrated there is no need to fear when he said "Thou could have no power over me except it came from God". And that, the acknowledgement and recognition of one power, is the secret of freedom from fear.
Remember that there is no fear to overcome because there is no power to manifest fear as long as you are abiding in the consciousness of the Presence of God. Choose whether you are going to suffer with fear because of your denial of the omnipotence of God or whether you are going to be governed by the infinite omnipotent divine creative intelligence of the universe.