Wednesday, February 14th, we hear the tragic news of yet another school shooting. The shooter was a former student. His actions were a surprise to some and others said there were many signs (and posts of social media) that should have raised red flags. Of course, in the aftermath people began to voice their opinions on what can be done. The loudest voices call for gun control. The real question is about that is, what is gun control? Is it banning guns completely? I certainly agree that no private citizen has a need for any type of assault rifle, however, you cannot ban all firearms because people misuse certain types of guns. Americans are given a Constitutional right to bear arms. The fact of the matter is, if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!
No the answer is not found in passing more gun laws. People break laws, as plainly demonstrated daily. The root of the issue goes much deeper and really has nothing to do with firearms at all. The answer to the problem is education and discipline. People need to be educated in the proper way to live in society and be disciplined properly when they refuse to do so. This needs to start at an early age and ingrained to people as they grow. The Golden Rule is a great place to start. We all want to be treated with love and kindness so that is the way we need to treat others, all others!
It seems that our world just continues slide deeper and deeper into darkness even when we mourn the condition we are in. The fact of the matter is, it is because so many people have turned away from God and following His instructions. Most people reading this will agree with this statement, however, many in our world have been blinded and their hearts have been seared. Public officials are more concerned about pleasing the voters instead of doing the right thing. Remember what happened when God said that every thought of man was evil? He destroyed the world!
We need to remember that God created us as free moral agents. We have the right to choose if we want to follow God or not. God also provided us with all the information we need to make wise decisions, especially about our relationship with Him. It is time for all of God’s children to stand and use the influence we have through the power of God to light up the darkness in this world and lead people to a better life in Jesus Christ.
Prayers are needed, that is for sure. Action is also needed. When you pray to God to do something about the condition of our world, listen closely, because I would guess He is asking you to be part of His solution!
There are so many scriptures I could place at the end of this article to encourage us. however, I think using what God said to Joshua after the defeat at Ai is best to help us understand our role as God’s children in God’s plan.
Read Joshua 7:3-13