What Can We Do As a Society To Improve Diversity in the Tech Industry? By Patrick D. Paschall, Esq. DyNAMC Advisory Board Member
DBE Diverse Business Elite Magazine
Publisher @ DBE Magazine | Marketing, Public Relations
Tip of the Iceberg is a feature column geared towards sparking conversation and addressing hot button issues. Its DyNAMC’s way of challenging ideas and preconceptions that make some uncomfortable. We hope to challenge readers to rethink ideas, and it is intended to provoke thought and start conversations to keep people talking and think outside the box.
At DyNAMC, we are committed to telling the full, total and complete story of the amazing diversity that surrounds us and makes up our world. This is not a mission that we take on lightly. We work to ensure that our magazine matches the incredible caliber of the individuals featured within it.
We strive to dedicate the space needed for real storytelling. Our features are not just splashy photos and a few pull quotes. Rather, they tell your story, in your words, for your world. www.dynamcdiversitymag.com
We reflect faces, voices and stories for all facets of our beautiful and diverse society: African Americans, Latinos, Women, Veterans, Millennials, Seniors, Asians, LGBTQ from an array of industries, communities and professions.
Each issue of DyNAMC reaches hundreds of thousands of social media followers and tens of thousands of decision makers - especially through our relationship with our global and National partners and affiliates which include the National Association of Minority Companies Inc. (NAMCO.)
Explore the DyNAMC community at www.dynamcdiversitymag.com
DyNAMC is available in both interactive digital and print media platforms.
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