What can we do to aviod lossing those you love?
Michael Zhou
X-RHINO & Imenso Brands Managing *Annual turnover USD270 million. *Support Small MOQ & Mix order. *FREE brand store design. Looking for brand distributor partners. #speaker #earphone #power bank #charger #data cable
Have you ever lose your pets?
Have you ever lose your keys?
Have you ever lose your wallet?
And maybe more. Your bicycles, bagpack...
In the past, the only thing you can do after your lose maybe only to swollow the sadness on your own.
But you are so happy when the Apple air tag coming out. But after you see the price and think it might be too expensive for you to affford, right?
Maybe it's time for you to make a smart move to a MFI traking tag. Much lowerr price but with the same function. Most importantly, it's certified by Apple and compatible with all Apple device.