What can these Products do for YOU!
Some of my favourite transformations have been with friends that have seen results with their melasma. Check this out!
THAT IS NOT A BEARD. THAT IS MELASMA (PREGNANCY MASK). Kristen Bowdan Breen’s melasma grew darker with each pregnancy to the point where it looked like she had a beard. As you can see, she had severe discoloration and hyperpigmentation on her beautiful face, which greatly affected her self-confidence.
This is what Kristen says about her experience:
"The only part of my pregnancies I did not love was the hyperpigmentation along my jaw line that came with my amazing boys. I have done a very nice job of wearing the right make-up to cover it when it darkens each summer, but now I want it gone...for good. Meet my friend REVERSE from Rodan + Fields. This is a progress photo. No filters...just my iPhone selfies at home. Rodan + Fields has something for everyone. It's time to love your skin."
If REVERSE can do this for Kristen’s melasma, just think what it can do for your brown spots and sun damage! Contact me to learn more.