What can the pathogen test kit do?

What can the pathogen test kit do?

BeaverBeads Pathogen DNA/RNA Kit is suitable for extracting DNA and RNA of pathogenic microorganisms from biological samples such as blood, sputum, alveolar lavage fluid and cerebrospinal fluid. The extracted products can be used for downstream applications, including PCR, Real-Time PCR, metagenomic library construction, DNA/RNA co-construction, etc.


  • Suitablefor serum, plasma, sputum, swabs and other samples
  • Enzymatic treatment without mechanical wall breaking
  • DNA/RNAco-extraction
  • No background bacteria

Application Case

Blood sample extraction and verification

Sample: 200 μL blood

Microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis (1×103 cfu/mL), Escherichia coli (1×104 cfu/mL), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1×105 cfu/mL), DNA pseudovirus, RNApseudovirus Kits: BeaverBeads Pathogen DNA/RNA Kits and Competitor Extraction Kits

Fig.1 Data comparison (Ct value) of qPCR detection of products extracted from different brands of kits (100 μL eluation buffer)

Conclusion: In blood samples, whether it is Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis), Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli), fungi (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), or DNA pseudoviruses (African swine fever pseudovirus), RNA pseudoviruses (New coronavirus pseudovirus), the Ct values detected in the products extracted by BeaverBeads Pathogen DNA/RNA Kit are smaller than those of competitor's, indicating that the concentration and purity of the nucleic acids extracted by BEAVER Kit are higher.


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