What can the minds of Psychopaths, and Cult Leaders teach Businesses?

What can the minds of Psychopaths, and Cult Leaders teach Businesses?

Two strategies businesses can learn from the minds of Psychopaths, Narcissists and Cult Leaders!

Whether you're a business owner wanting to create a new work culture, an entrepreneur pitching your idea to investors, a salesperson convincing a prospect to buy, or someone who has thoughts of starting a new religion, like it or not; there is a lot that we can learn from the minds and the strategies employed by Psychopaths, Narcissists and Cult Leaders.

Let's take a look at the goals and processes of a budding Cult Leader. 

1: Identify and attract the right type of person.

2: Create rapport, expose and exploit weaknesses, show Empathy for their situation, and build a high level of trust.

3: Commit the person to follow their teachings, believe in the cause, become part of the family, in often case, part with their money.

Hang on, doesn't this sound scarily familiar?

How do we go about acquiring new customers and clients when building our businesses?

1: Identify and attract the right type of prospect.

2: Create rapport, expose and exploit their pain points, show Empathy for their situation and build a high level of trust.

3: Commit the prospect to follow your expert advice, believe in our product solutions, become part of the happy customer base and then part with their money.

So what strategies do Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Cult Leaders employ and can we adopt similar yet more ethical practices?

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Empathy is the critical key!

Empathy is the ability to understand what another person is thinking, feeling, and experiencing.

Now, on first reading this, you might think that surely, the one thing a Cult Leader wouldn't possess is that of Empathy. 

However, what if their ability to empathise with others was so developed that it was used as a weapon rather than for kindness?

Imagine a Cult Leader with such an incredible ability to empathise and so in tune with someone's emotions; they would know "exactly" how to cause that person to feel pain, anxiety, fear and vulnerability whenever they wanted.

 I think you'd agree, a very dangerous ability to possess!

Research has proven time and again that Empathy is an essential quality required to persuade others.

How can you exhibit immense Empathy towards your prospects?

First of all, you need to be honest with yourself and the situation you or your team are in.

Here are some of the questions I get clients to answer regarding their prospect meetings:

1: Does the person really want you to be there? (Be honest!)

2: Does the person really believe you care or do they think it's a bit of a facade to get the sale? (Put yourself in their shoes)

3: Does the person really want to spend hours listening to you, or have they got better things to be getting on with?

Answering these questions honestly and without sentiment is the key for you to show a level of Empathy far in excess shown by any competitor!

Here's one way I inject an enormous amount of Empathy very early on in my client calls and prospect meetings. Read it, and then notice how you would respond.

"Before we begin, I appreciate that the persuasion and psychology strategies I'm able to deliver may not apply to every business, so I just need to go over a couple of details with you to understand whether there's and relevance or opportunity. Because if not, we can end the conversation, I'll update my records, and I'll let you get back to your day. Fair?"

I bet you said YES!

Why? Because very early on, I have indicated that what? I am brave enough to admit that my strategies and methods are not for everyone and when they're not, I'm not going to shoehorn them in, try and convince you to buy something you don't want and am prepared to get up and leave them in peace.

What's brilliant about this statement and which came from two years of research, is that you'll notice it is virtually impossible for anyone to say no too, and by saying YES, they permit you to carry on! 

(They psychology and persuasiveness behind this is far greater than I'm able to go through in an article.)

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The Art of Mind-Reading

Yes, I really do mean mind reading. Not in the sense of having a crystal ball, tarot cards or reading tea leaves because walking in with any of these in front of a potential customer might not be the best idea at this stage!

What I am talking about is the ability to read another person's mind with 100% accuracy!

Question: How do Psychopaths & Sociopaths appear to know so much of how their victims/followers feel, what they're thinking and what's missing in their lives?

Answer: The fact is the Psychopath and Sociopath would have placed the feelings, ideas and beliefs in the person's head in the first place. That's how!

Before we move on, I need to address something important. 

I suppose you're wondering why I kept spelling Empathy wrong in the previous strategy?

It's incredible how to mind works and how you never spotted it, isn't it?

What you've just experienced is the exact same thing a potential Cult follower or victim would experience.

Let's see what happened...

1: Were you actually thinking about why I spelt Empathy wrong? 

2: Once I pointed it out, were you then compelled to consider it?

3: Did you then go back and check where the misspelt words were?

4: Are you know doubting yourself about the spelling of Empathy?

5: Are you now experiencing a sense of confusion?

The thing is in the hands of unscrupulous and evil people; this type of pseudo Mind-Reading will be employed to confuse, bewilder, befuddle and have the person second guess their innermost thoughts, what they know to be true and also their beliefs. 

For example:

I know what you are thinking. What will happen if you carry without the guidance and direction you need? Is this all that your life will amount to?

I suppose you're wondering why your family and friends haven't seen, identified or felt the internal pain you feel like I do?

Pretty scary stuff, right?

There are many more of these statements, but for now, here are two you can use immediately to ethically and morally read the minds of your prospects, clients and even family members!!!.

I know what you are thinking...

I suppose you're wondering...

I coach clients to use these statements to keep direction, pre-empt objections, create curiosity, and instil a sense of urgency.

  • I know what you are thinking; how much does it cost to bring me in to work with your teams? 
  1. Was the person thinking that at that precise moment? (Probably not)
  2. Are they now thinking about it? (Categorically Yes)
  3. Are the now compelled to find out the answer? (Absolutely!)
  4. So, what's the most logical question I am going to hear next?
  5. Actually, how much do you charge? (Great question. I'm pleased you've asked ??????)

Here's a few more just to show you how I guide your thoughts and instil the right questions for you to ask so I can help you.

  • I suppose you're wondering how I use this concept to overcome objections? (What's your most logical response?)
  • I know what you are thinking; do we get full supporting documentation and a copy of your book? (What question would I get asked next?)
  • I suppose you're wondering how many people can you put on a single programme? (What are they thinking now?)
  • I know what you are thinking; what availability do you have in the next couple of months? (What's the most logical reply to this statement?)

Further Work: Think about what objections, questions and direction changes you could preempt by utilising just these two simple mind-reading statements?

For more information about me, my products, and programmes, click HERE or to take my MAY'D to PERSUADE - How Persuasive Are You Challenge click HERE

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About Gary May

Having trained, coached and been a mentor to businesses in 28 countries worldwide, and ranked as being in the Top 1% of Sales & Persuasion Experts by his peers, with Gary, you are getting the brain, the research and the passion behind the strategies, NOT just someone who has been trained to deliver them!

With an unrivalled track record, Gary's expertise and years of research have resulted in him being widely acknowledged as a 'MUST HAVE' Sales Acceleration Expert. His unique insights, unparalleled strategies, and exceptional coaching have been instrumental in his clients' exponential sales growth.

Selection of Accolades:

  • Best Selling Co-Author of SELLING – Powerful New Strategies for Sales Success
  • Producer 'The Persuasion BluPrint' Audio Programme
  • Producer of 'The Differentiation BluPrint' Audio & DVD Programme
  • Presented and delivered in 28 countries worldwide
  • Multiple industry magazine articles published
  • Consultant to the BBC as an Industry Expert
  • 5 Times Keynote Speaker at the Sales & Persuasion Conference Las Vegas USA (The only ever UK based speaker)
  • Founder & President of the Association of Sales Professionals UK
  • 84 Client Finalists in National Sales Awards 2016 - 2020
  • 42 Client Finalists in a National Sales Awards 2016 - 2019
  • 21st Fastest Growing Company Award – As Sales Director
  • 17th Fastest Growing Company Award – As Sales Director
Abdullah Zekrullah

Coach | Father | Entrepreneur

3 年

This has been an awesome read, love it Thanks for sharing. I'd love to get notified and see more of your content in my feed, it'd be awesome to connect Gary



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