What can a lifestyle business do for you?
Hello pal
Happy Wednesday!?
What can a lifestyle business do for you??
It is a question I get asked a lot and it is something I have 15 years experience in as that is exactly what I have built with Arbonne.?
So what exactly is a lifestyle business? The concept is simple: a lifestyle business is a business in which you have the freedom to do all the things you want, when you want. Rather than simply being self-employed, or an employee, a lifestyle business is about working in a way that sustains the lifestyle you want – whether that's having more time to play with your children or being able to travel the world and sustain yourself. In a lifestyle business, you have the freedom to choose your working hours, and do as little or as much work as you want day-to-day or week-to-week, right from the offset.
Although, the one thing I will add to this as that in order to create a successful lifestyle business you must create solid structures, systems, discipline and daily habits for yourself in order to make a sustainable income.?
I chose Arbonne as my lifestyle business 15 years ago because Arbonne's values aligned with my values and I really wanted additional income at that time as I had no savings or plan B to my job. I also noticed people the same age as me were getting made redundant so I wanted to ensure I had a back up plan for myself. Plus, I really wanted to live & work in Australia (my childhood dream) and I had a gut feeling that having an online business in the wellness industry with Arbonne was going to be HUGE in the future. When you get that gut feeling you just know… you know?
What has my Arbonne business given me over the years and what does it continue to give?
It is honestly so hard to put it into words the impact of saying yes to Arbonne has had on my life but after attending our yearly “Ignite & Thrive” event at the weekend it has given me the opportunity to reflect a little.?
3. Health & Wellbeing Transformation. I have completed transformed my own health & wellbeing through consistently using Arbonne's products and programs. I can say hand on heart I have used Arbonne head to toe everyday for 15 years because they are clean, pure, safe and they actually get results. The research & development and clinical studies are of the highest standards and I feel the benefit of that everyday, every time I use the products. And even better than that I have inspired others to have their own health & wellbeing transformation too.. literally thousands of people around the world use our products and that makes me so happy to see that ripple effect.?
4. Empower others to start their own lifestyle business. I have realised that I love to help others, I love seeing others transform & evolve to be the best version of themselves. And I especially LOVE it when people realise their dreams! Chanelle Houston, in my team in Scotland is a classic example of this. She started her own business with Arbonne 6 years ago alongside being a full time student & nail artist. In the last two years specifically she started to apply everything she had been hearing over the years.?
She has transformed her physical & mental health through creating solid healthy habits & applied so much discipline to her morning routine. In turn her business has grown too and at 25 years old she was asked to speak in front of 500 people about her story of transformation. I was in awe as I saw her walk with such confidence up to the stage, she lit up the room with her energy, her wisdom and her words. You couldn't hear a pin drop and I had tears in my eyes with such pride. I love that Arbonne creates a loving space and a vehicle for people to become the very best version of themselves.?
5. FUN. Arbonne is simply FUN. Every single time I get together with our Arbonne community I always laugh so much. We have singalongs in the car on our roadtrips, we laugh at all our cringe worthy business stories (there were a fair few shared at the weekend actually!), we make silly reels (feel free to check out my latest on Instagram here.. hehe) We of course talk about her dreams, goals and how to grow our business too…. but ALOT of FUN is always mixed in and I feel like that is great to thing to have for people. There is alot going on in the world and I truly believe we can do so much as a collective when we keep our hearts full of love & in peace. Creating a lot of light, laughter, fun and joy beaming out of us is not only good for us but it is good for the world.?
On Sunday, one of the speakers said being apart of Arbonne is like a tree (in fact Arbonne actually does mean beautiful tree!) and we are all interconnected, we are never alone, or working on our own, we are exchanging energy and we all came here for love! :)
So there you go - this is a wee insight into what a lifestyle business like Arbonne can give you, pretty extraordinary really.?
If you have been thinking about starting your own lifestyle business with Arbonne then drop me a message - I am more than happy to mentor you and guide you on your own personal journey as it looks different for everyone. One thing I know for sure though is it doesn't require confidence, all you require is a wee bit of courage to simply say yes and go for it. The rest will work itself out :)
I've got your back,