What can I do during this 'unique' time?
Carol Ellen
Senior Recruiter, Global Talent Acquisition, Electronic Arts| Former Sony Music and Caldwell Partners
As someone who is very curious about business and people, I have been taking note of what people are during this 'unique' time. Back in the day when I was recruiting for the not for profit industry, I learned about the concept of giving: Time/Talent or Treasure.
Surely not everyone right now has a lot of 'treasure' to give however certainly ones' talents can be shared. In my case, I have offered up resume reviews/career guidance. Other superpower giving that I have noted included: food delivery to seniors, complimentary coffee for health care workers, free mental health counseling for those that are experiencing extra anxiety. The list is endless.
Perhaps, take 10-15 minutes and think about what it is that you have to offer. It could be anything. Lets' say you are a photographer looking for work. Perhaps offer up some complimentary'tips' on how to improve the pictures on a website of a company you admire (aka one day want to do business with). Recently I spoke with someone who was looking for a social media role. This individual prides themselves on their Twitter skillset. At the same time, she was somewhat discouraged with what was happening in her local community and economy. We brainstormed for a bit and she decided on approaching those businesses to offer up a Twitter take-over for a period of time to bring them more presence.
If you are feeling stuck or want to chat and brainstorm on how to tap into your superpowers comment below or email me. Happy to help out!