What can Geomatics Specialists do with ArcGIS?

What can Geomatics Specialists do with ArcGIS?

  • Create and edit Spatial Data (Points, Lines, Polygons) and associating them to Attribute Data.
  • Make selections by Attributes.
  • Make selections by Location (Intersection, Distance, Containing, Touch, Sharing segment).
  • Use great Geodatabases.
  • Import and export Data From/To so many programs (CAD, Oracle, SQL, Excel, Erdas Imagine, Google Earth, GPS apps, PDF).
  • Make Reports, Tables and Graphs
  • Make deferent Analyses:
  1. Spatial Analyst (Ex. Find the best positions to a new school).
  2. Hydrology Analyst (Basin, Flow, Sink, Stream, Watershed).
  3. 3D Analyst (Slope, Aspect, Hillshades, Cut Fill, Contour, Viewshed, Visibility, Steepset path, Line of sight, Interpolation, Profiles, TIN).
  4. Geostatistical Analyst
  5. Network Analyst (Vehicles locations, velocity, route, closet facility, time and date).
  6. Tracking Analyst (Ex. Tornado Tracking).
  • Create / edit Parcels and Topology
  • Georeference Maps and Rasters.
  • In Remote sensing (Image Classification, Learning machine, Landuse map) by using Images from satellites (Landsat, Sentinel, ERS, SPOT, IRS).
  • Projection (Shape files, Rasters, Maps).
  • Generalization of Maps.
  • Image Resolution Changing.
  • Publish Web Maps.
  • Supply Programming Languages (Python, Visual Basic).
  • Use and make tools.
  • Connect to Servers.
  • ?? #2021Goals —


