What can Geomatics Specialists do with ArcGIS?
- Create and edit Spatial Data (Points, Lines, Polygons) and associating them to Attribute Data.
- Make selections by Attributes.
- Make selections by Location (Intersection, Distance, Containing, Touch, Sharing segment).
- Use great Geodatabases.
- Import and export Data From/To so many programs (CAD, Oracle, SQL, Excel, Erdas Imagine, Google Earth, GPS apps, PDF).
- Make Reports, Tables and Graphs
- Make deferent Analyses:
- Spatial Analyst (Ex. Find the best positions to a new school).
- Hydrology Analyst (Basin, Flow, Sink, Stream, Watershed).
- 3D Analyst (Slope, Aspect, Hillshades, Cut Fill, Contour, Viewshed, Visibility, Steepset path, Line of sight, Interpolation, Profiles, TIN).
- Geostatistical Analyst
- Network Analyst (Vehicles locations, velocity, route, closet facility, time and date).
- Tracking Analyst (Ex. Tornado Tracking).
- Create / edit Parcels and Topology
- Georeference Maps and Rasters.
- In Remote sensing (Image Classification, Learning machine, Landuse map) by using Images from satellites (Landsat, Sentinel, ERS, SPOT, IRS).
- Projection (Shape files, Rasters, Maps).
- Generalization of Maps.
- Image Resolution Changing.
- Publish Web Maps.
- Supply Programming Languages (Python, Visual Basic).
- Use and make tools.
- Connect to Servers.
- ?? #2021Goals —