What can Artificial intelligence do?
Everybody knows what artificial?intelligence is but what does it do and what?does that?mean for you? This question should be on?everyone's?mind, if not out of?curiosity, it should be out of necessity?since?we are living in a digital revolution. A?revolution which has covid 19 as the main catalyst to innovate.?
AI as we know it is used in quite mundane tasks. Task such as predictive texts, chatbots, and automation of mundane business?processes.?That’s the boring stuff, AI is at the forefront of?innovation?and these?innovations?were?made known to me by a?YouTube?video by?Bernard Marr. He listed 10 fascinating AI points which were amazing to watch?however I’m only going to list my favorites.?
One innovation that is currently underway is used by Amazon and what they are doing with AI is called,?“anticipatory?shipping”. Simply put it’s an AI system that?anticipates the product?you're?going to?buy,?and?it immediately starts shipping the product to?you, BEFORE?you purchase it. Amazon has that much?faith in the capabilities of AI that they would allow it to start shipping based on the information it's gathered based?on customer habits.?Amazing.?
Google Duplex. What do they do? Nothing much,?they’re?only using AI calling to do things such as planning, scheduling, and quiring over the phone. This?innovation had me tantalized at the notion that I could possibly have a robot that sounds like me do mundane things over the phone such as plan reservations for me.?Yes,?the software can be made to sound like the user, the other person on the line wouldn’t?even know that they?aren't?speaking to the real user.?
Lastly our very own Facebook. Facebook has been using an AI system called ‘Deep Text’ and this is used to?automatically understand your post, to take it a step further it?doesn't?just understand the words but is also able to understand the sentiment behind?what?you're saying. They have also invested in a technology called ‘Deep Face’ which is a facial recognition software said to be better at?recognizing?faces than humans?are.??
It turns out that AI is a bit?more vast?than just predicting what you’re?going?to type next on a keyboard or if you’re like me?occasionally help?you with spelling. AI is a world whose full potential is yet to be known, and the only way to discover more is to adventure more.?In my next article, I’ll be discussing what AI innovations mean for you as a South African?employee and employer.?
Below, a link to Bernard Marr’s video on innovative AI.?