What came first? Silicone, lyme or Botox?
First and foremost, its important to point out that Botox Medical is used for all sorts of medicinal purposes and I often wonder how it could benefit fibromyalgia patients, like myself, as the use of lido patches (I prefer non lido at the moment) is still something I have to resort to, when the pain is bad, but I am now contradicted for Botox cosmetic, so let the duality of that sink in.
In the last year, I've met so many people that ask me what I'm doing with my skin and the answer is nothing. "Whatever she's drinking, I'll have 20", they say. Thank you for the ego boost, but truly, #thankyoubotox, as before I got sick with Lyme disease I Botoxed around the clock from 23-32, but when you get hit with a health set back like Lyme disease, and your LLMD tells you that no doctor is to put anything in you, unless your arm is falling off, without consulting with him, you listen.
I used to say I'd eat dog poop if I knew it would make me better and I can proudly say I've now gotten post lyme myalgia and fibromyalgia on the state as a disability, which is leaps and bounds from where I (we) were 10 years ago when I first got diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia at Cleveland Clinic. I can also now say I understand the differences, but when they were looking for MS, RA and every auto immune panel out there was taken, but nothing came back to explain my swollen joints, I had to look elsewhere, which included a second opinion at the Clinic, prior to going to an Integrative MD, which gave me a third diagnosis of the same thing, which resulted in getting Myer's cocktail treatments that almost killed me. When I say I couldn't move or speak for 12 hours, believe me. It was terrifying, and while it is a form of chelation, the vitamin C was killing something, and it sent me into neuro paralysis.
The next day I felt better, but I knew better than to stay with that doctor, so the point of this is, and as we all know, in medicine, you have got to be your own advocate.
I was lucky that I could fight the system and had funds to treat this, but it financially destroyed me. I'm writing this as I just met another person who lost both their friend to this insidious disease, as suicide is still the #1 killer, their son had the disease, was so sick they thought he had polio, and their brother had it. I've tried to discuss what this before (link below), albeit I didn't exactly describe how dark that time in my life was, but I was getting divorced and looking into states that offered "death with dignity". Its that bad, so please, do NOT ever accuse me of being the victim and perhaps, especially if you are parents, you will thank me one day, for all I did to fight for YOU and your children. I discussed death with dignity with them and I've worked so hard to fight for those without a voice, but had to compartmentalize my time on social media within that community as there are people so sick they cannot even control their bodily functions. Its depressing as hell, and at some point, you just want to move on with your life and not discuss it, but I'm not the kind of person that turns my back on people. I am a walking miracle, truly, and while I never like to be the center of attention, my miracle story is one I've tried to share, despite the hate I got from others, as a way to provide HOPE for people dying.
But I often wonder why I even tried to fight for humanity when humanity doesn't seem to want to fight for themselves.
Children are most at risk. ER and psychiatry given my advocacy is where we need to start, as if you present with the "summertime flu" with no bulls eye rash, it will likely get passed off, like it did with me, for something else. 50% of people do not get the rash and when I tell you most are self treating, believe me.
Let that sink in, but what came first? I most likely had PANDAs as a child and was never diagnosed, so in the end, lyme. I tried to write about this time in my life on this blog and to the woman whom commented on this piece, but only to refer to my dog on email in 2020 as "dumb", shame on you. This dog is the only thing that kept me fighting and when I considered death with dignity, her need of me, as she is MY CHILD, is the only thing that kept me from giving up.
I'd also like to point out to the viewers out there that I did NOT know this person, and I can proudly say I am finally SINGLE WHITE FEMALE free and while Romans 12 does say to bless those that persecute you, it also says that the vengeance is God's and HE will repay.
Mark my word.
He will.
Strength in numbers, BREAK the stigma, STOP the bullying on people with chronic illness, not ALL are visible to the naked eye and its NEURO not MENTAL.
Given what I've done with red tape, I hope you all, like these people did, understand that maybe, JUST maybe, people can get insurance to cover their treatments.
My biggest coup to date.
GERVAIS International | Philanthropy, Humanitarian Efforts
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