What is the Calling of your Heart?
You were born in a poor family or maybe in a middle class family, or you were blessed with a rich family, born a boy or girl, educated in a public or private school, whatever your family can afford. As you grow up over the years you start to develop interest in things in which one may become a career or a choice of profession or even a business you start. In all this, are you happy and fulfilled having a meaning and purpose to your life?
Did you follow the calling of your heart? Have you reviewed your life to see if this is what you want to do in your life??Let me ask you, what keeps this world from going crazy, out of control, nowhere safe, crime and evil everywhere??Its religion, you may not believe me because you haven’t done the research I have done, you don’t understand what I understand.
Its Religion
Its religion, the moral teaching of Jesus Christ, the principles of righteous living, the worshiping of a Divine Being, God and Creator, who is greater then ourselves that influences the minds of honest men who are moved to keep our society safe from those who would do us harm. The reason why we understand the difference between good and evil and right from wrong is because we learn these things fron the Holy Scriptures, our Bible, which we hold true above anything else ever written in the history of the human race; and that is because it is the divine word of God.
The Noble Calling
To be called by God is a noble thing in deed, looked upon as a holy calling, and it should never be turn down. You may be a lawyer, CEO of a company, dishwasher, news reporter, whatever your career or interest you still feel lost or something missing in your life. Doing kind and good deeds to other, sharing God love with others, bring about a joyful time in your heart that gives you fulfillment and purpose to your life.
St. Paul Bible Institute & Seminary
Does just that; helping you fine fulfillment and purpose in your life. We have programs to help you become a deacon or elder or Sunday school teacher in your Church and communing if that is your calling.
Your calling maybe of a higher order and you which to earn your Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate degree in Biblical studies, Biblical Science, or in Biblical Theology or in Divinity and start your own Church, author books, design biblical courses, teach at a school, or be an independent bible scholar and researcher that is not tied down to any denomination doctrine and dogma.
Full Online Campus
For your student package that explain everything you need to know, plus application please send your request to†: scjbishop@yahoo.com